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"You see this is why can't have nice things!" Zayn scalds me. Today during lunch Zayn and I came to a shocking realization that we haven't had a best friends day since we got boyfriends. Now here we are in the park skipping school. Niall promised he'd give Harry a ride, so I'm not all that worried. I laugh loudly as I brush the dirt off my pants. I just kicked our football into the lake.

"Well go on Malik, go fetch the ball."

"Do I look like a golden retriever to you?"

"No, because they know how to swim!" I sass.

"I know how to swim, but choose not to. It's not swimming weather anyway," Zayn says. Oh bullshit he does not know how to swim. I roll my eyes walking closer to the edge where the ball floats not to far from where I stand. I crouch down my left hand flat on the ground keeping me steady, and my right reaching for the ball my finger tips just barely grazing it. "Lou, you're going to fall in," Zayn says. I roll my eyes shaking me head.

"I won't fall in," I laugh, but as soon as I do I feel cold. Water soaking my pants and bottom half of my shirt, the water quickly making my lower region numb. Zayn laughs at me muttering an 'I told you so', but I just angrily grab the slippery ball stomping out of the lake.

"Hey! You two kids! You aren't allowed to swim in the lake!" An old man wearing a uniform yells. I roll my eyes flipping him off. I stomp to Zayn's car tossing the ball into the boot, and get into the front seat. Zayn laughs as he gets in.

"Shut up, and take me home." I huff.

When I arrive home I notice Mum's car sitting idly. I pray that Harry covered for me. We left school after lunch, school gets out at 2:30 p.m. , and it's nearly 7:00 p.m. now. Harry better have covered for me, I do not feel like getting a lecture right now, and all I want to do is take a shower then watch Netflix.

"Bye Lou!" Zayn calls. I give him a wave running up to my house. I slip into the house to see Mum and the girls watching a film. "Hey Boobear," Mum calls. "How was your day?"

"I'm cold and wet," I huff.

"Is it raining?" Mum asks. I notice Harry on the couch with the twins cuddling into his side.

"No. Harry cover the twins ears," I say. When he does I sigh. "Few words. Fuck Zayn and his incapability to swim. Fuck water. Fuck my aim!" I huff shivering now.

"Well okay then. Go get a shower, and the join us down here. Having some family time," Mum says. I nod running up the stairs quickly going to the bathroom stripping out of my very cold jeans and boxers. God my balls are cold. I quickly jump into the shower, but it doesn't last long. I change into joggers and a sweater. Then finally join my family in the telly room. I walk toward Harry scooping up Daisy setting her next to Lottie. I plop down next to Harry taking the blanket that's covering him to cover me too. The film they're watching seems to be some chick flick, and I want to groan because chick flicks. I sigh wanting to cuddle Harry too, but I can't because my Mum is right there.

A few hours later Mum goes to put the twins to bed, and goes to bed herself. Fiz, Lott, Harry, and I decide to put in another film. This time I pick the film, but of course the girls keep suggesting films. "Magic Mike!" Fizzy pipes up. I look at her raising a brow. "What? I saw it at a friends house," She shrugs innocently.

"There are a few reasons why I am going to turn down that option," I say scrolling through Netflix on my laptop that I hooked up to the telly.

"What about Saw?" I ask.

"Uh no!" Harry squeaks.

"50 Shades?" Lottie suggests.

"Calm your horny selves," I huff. I keep scanning the films trying to find something that sounds good to watch. "Charlie St. Cloud?" I question aloud. I hear chorus of nos. "Screw it. We are going to watch something off Demand."

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