Chapter 9

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"Kerryn, we've been walking for ages!" Kori moans from behind me.

I turn back sharply. "Hey, you were the one who wanted to tag along."

"Yeah, I didn't know we would be walking."

This was our second day travelling, I had no idea where we were going. Just following old memories I guess.

I held my head up.

"There's something non human here." I say, I noticed the scent in the air.

Kori comes up beside me. "Animal maybe? Reptillian?"

"No..." I know what it is, I've smelt it before.... I just can't...

"Could it be Alliphilates?" Kori asked, whimpering a little.

"If it is we probably shouldn't carry on. They would've cornered us."

Alliphilates. Pesky creatures responsible for 90% of human deaths every year.

They get into your head and slowly take over your body.

Only, werewolves have the power to fight this, humans on the other hand have no idea what is happening.

They start off with voices telling the humans lies and myths, then they start telling them to do things, and when the human thinks they're mad, the Alliphilates take total control of the mind and sight and they go mad.

In fact, rumour has it that Hitler himself was a victim. Or he was just a total moron.

"It's definately Alliphilates." Kori whispers, her voice shaky. "Kerryn, what do we do?"

I look around. "Alliphilates don't target werewolves so...."

'Help!" The small, strangled voice in the forest struck fear into my heart. "Help!"

"Kori! Follow me!"

We both run through the forest towards the voice. I cry out as I see the small, whimpering figure of a young girl curled up on the forest floor, surrounded by tiny blue lights, all entering one by one into the small girls chest.

She spasms out onto the floor, in the act of a seizure. The Alliphilates targeting brain and nerve cells, causing emense pain.

Her eyes caught onto mine, pleadingly.

"Kori, do something!" I yelled.

I turned to Kori, "Kori..."

In her place stood a large, black wolf. Sights on the girl.

"Kori, no!"

But before I could protest, Kori jumped forth and sank her teeth into the girls neck.

The Alliphilates dissapeared and the girl lay still.


My Stupid, Annoying, Possesive, Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now