Chapter 2

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I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

I was home.

That was what I thought, I hadn't had a home for ten years since my parents died when I was six. I had slept in coffee shops, roofs, supermarkets, trees. Other packs wouldn't even let me in.

I sighed, closing my eyes. I had a record for anything good and pleasant being snatched away from me, better make it good while it lasts.

I heard a knock on my door, it opened and a girl looked in, she seemed my age. Beautiful. I knew she was a werewolf on the spot.

She grinned at me. "Hi!" She greeted, jumping in. "My name's Kori, I think you've met my brother, Trent. The Beta?" 

I nodded.

"Oh! Goodie!" She squealed, jumping up and wrapping her arms around my neck. "I can just tell we're going to be besties!" She said, jumping up and down on my bed. I laughed at her.

She whipped her hair to the side and said to me, "You're Kerryn, Trent told me all about you. Come on! You're gonna help me and Isa make dinner!"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. I giggled at her happiness. Was it possible to hold a smile for that long?

She dragged me down to the kitchen, a middle-aged lady was waiting there.

"Oh hi, Kerryn!" She greeted, shaking my hand. "Trent told me about you!"

I smiled and she handed me a collinder of strawberries. "Take these to the sink, dear, good, good. Be a honey and wash those out for me. We're having a vegetarian dish tonight!"

Kori made a gagging nose, clutching her stomach. "Isa! Werewolves are not vegetarians!"

Isa huffed. "It's good to eat healthy once in a while, Kori, now find some onions and chop those up for me for the wrap."

Kori started crying while chopping up the onions. Isa put the radio on 'the oldies' .

"Ooh!" She said as a song came on. "I love this!"

I listened and laughed, it was the Ghostbusters theme song. Kori and Isa began to sing;

"When there's something strange, in your neihborhood... who yah gonna call?"

"Ghostbusters!" I cried out, laughing.

The doorbell rang and Trent walked in on our 'singing session', holding Jasmine.

"I just showed Jasmine the nursery and she has agreed to work their for us, if it's okay with the alpha of course." Trent said, grinning.

Jasmine ran over to me and hugged me tight, "Oh, Kerryn, it was so cute! All the little kids came up and greeted me, then we sang songs and..."

"We can talk about it over dinner, alright?" Trent suggested to Jasmine, who walked away nodding to herself.

Trent came over to me and helped me with chopping the leaves off strawberries.

"Oh, Trent!" I said, giggling. "I haven't seen Jasmine that happy in years!"

He shrugged. "She has a way with the pups." 

Isa held up a finger. "Nuh uh! Less talking, more cooking!"

Kori prepared the wrap nicely while Trent announced that Alpha Blake would be home for supper.

"He said that if he's not home by six we can start eating, oh and Kerryn?"

I turned to him.

"Alpha Blake, he's a nice guy and all but gets kinda annoyed when you don't speak to him properly, just, when he greets you, bow your head and greet him. He'll introduce himself and only when he asks your name, you say it, okay?"

I nodded. "Wow, your Alpha sounds tough."

Trent smiled. "I just want you to stay in the pack, okay? I don't want something silly like being disprespectful get you kicked out? Okay?"

I nodded.

"Now go upstairs and take a shower, you smell like a pile of horse dung!" He teased, punching me playfully on the shoulder.

I started up the stairs and laughed, "At least I don't smell as bad as you...!"

He laughed again, "Just go you little, Rascal!"

I hurried up the stairs to my room, laughing my butt off. If I could choose, I would stay here forever until the day I die, I don't care if I don't find my mate!

Yes you do. Lila sighed thoughtfully, I tried to answer but she drifted away into a sleep.

After a while, Trent called me down. I was brushing my hair, "Coming!" I called, quickly spraying a bottle of perfume on my neck before running down.

Trent examined me and nodded. "You look beautiful." He said, smiling.

"Thank you!" I said, bobbing a small curtsy.

He took my hand and lead me to the dining room, there stood a huge table, all set out. The food running along the middle.

"The littlies eat in the lounge while watching TV." He explained, leading me to my seat at the far end of the table.

After a while, more people started to coming. I admired the way they laughed, greeted each other. They all seemed so playfull and caring!

By six 'o clock, the pack was restless.

Trent looked up from his watch. "Oh, what the hell!" He cried, throwing his hands up in the air. "Lets eat."

He sat next to me, playfully stealing bits of salad off my plate while I was eating.

People thanked Isa for the wonderful meal and started talking about the pack.

I learnt that this pack, The White Star pack was constantly attacked by rogues and that's why Trent was weary of me.

"Only trained fighters are allowed out in the forest," Trent said to me, stuffing his face full of my food, "a while ago, we were sending out rookies, that didn't end well..."

I made new friends, two girls named Ayla and Lilly said that if I was happy with it, they would try get me enrolled in the High School.

"All of the teachers are werewolves," she explained, "so we could convince her to let you in..."

Kori told me about all the pack members.

I felt like I had a family again, the warm feeling fulled my stomach and I sighed happily, getting another helping of salad.

"Oh no you don't!" Trent said, tackling me. "That last piece of salad is mine!"

Oof! I fell against my chair, laughing. He tried to snatch a strawberry out of my fork. I plonked it in my mouth and he growled, his hands went under my arms and he started to tickle me.

"No! No!" I screamed, laughing. "Don't I'm ticklish! Haha!"

Suddenly, a growl echoed around the room and my wolf woke up.


I stopped, the room froze and the tension settled in.

Suddenly, there was a deafening crash and I was thrown against the floor, Trent let out a yelp.

I turned and saw Trent, lying on the carpet, his nose bloody, a boy on top of him.


"Stop it!" I cried, trying to tear the boy off him. "You're going to kill him!"

The boy looked up and I gasped, I found myself staring into the dark brown eyes of my mate.

Then everything went black.

My Stupid, Annoying, Possesive, Alpha MateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora