Chapter 8

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SHOUTOUT: Youtubeforlife

She's written MINECRAFT IN THE MORNING, it's an amazing story. I really enjoyed, so when you have a spare mo, squiz over to her profile page and check her out :)


I throw some canned food into my back-pack, Trent looks at me sadly.

"Don't give me that look, Trent, this has gone on long enough."

"Come on, Kerryn, just another day. Just until the pups have been trained."

"No more, Trent, the dream comes back again and again."

"The same dream you had seven years ago, that night? The night Blake left?"

"That dream... it was..."

"Just a dream, Kerryn, it was just a dream, nothing more."

"It was a memory, it was something Lila wants me to remember..."

"Or it was a dream."

"Trent, not again..."

Trent growled at me. I turned away, shoving a box of milk into my bag.

"Goodbye Trent." I turned for the door.

"No, Kerryn, wait!"

I ran. That was all I did, I took a deep breath of the soft night air and sighed. I was free. I felt the soft sand against my bare feet, the grass brushing against them softly.

I stopped and looked back. I hadn't left this place in seven years.


I saw the outline of someone. Kori.

"Kerryn, you can't go!" She puffed, going up.

"Try stop me." I hissed.

"I meant you can't go without a guide."

I turned. "You know the way back to my pack?"

Kori shrugged. "There's a town near it, my aunt lives there, she'll have food, shelter and will probably know if anyone's still out there."

I closed my eyes. I hope noone is.

"Come on." She came up beside me and took my hand. "Do ya wanna..?"

"Shift? No. Let's walk. Slowly. That way if I change my mind we can head home."

"Will you change your mind?" Kori asked, a little too hopeful.

"I doubt it."

Kori glared at me. "My brother's going to kill me when we get back. He said no. I didn't listen."

"If we come back." I grunted.

"If you're trying to scare me away, it's not working." Kori hissed. "Let's get moving.

And we walked. And walked. Three hours later when I turned back I saw nothing but broken dreams, war and cold hearted memories.


VOTE! for the cheesy ending ;)

My Stupid, Annoying, Possesive, Alpha Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें