Chapter 7

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  • Zadedykowane Jenna Dunford


Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Kerryn, come on, open the door!"

"Trent, just go away!"

"I have to tell you something!"

"Trent! Just leave!" I yelled from my bed.

"It's important! Goddamnit, Kerryn! It's about Jasmine!"

I looked up. Jasmine.

"Jasmine can look after herself, and if she's worried about me she can just..."

"Kerryn... Jasmine's gone..."

I held my breath. No. No, no no no no...

"Gone? Gone where?"

"Africa. Kerryn, open up..."

"Why..." I got up slowly, "did you let her go!" I slammed my fists against the door! How dare he! No, not Jasmine! Jasmine didn't even have a wolf! "TRENT I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

"Kerryn! Calm the hell down!" He screamed through the door. I backed down, my hand slid down slowly to the brass knob. This can't be happening... no, not Jasmine... anyone but...

"Kerryn..." He whispered. "Please open."

I turned the knob and the door opened, my legs gave way and I fell into his arms. He carried me to my bed and I sat on his lap, crying into his shoulder.

"She left without my consent, she was a stowaway. And the pilot refused to stop the plane for her. She refused as well... Kerryn I'm so sorry..."

"When do they land?" I choked.

"They have. They're in battle now."

"When did you find out?"

"A few hours ago, I just managed to..."

I squeezed my hands into fists.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because I knew you would react like this, you were tense from the letter. You needed to calm down."

"Trent, for two years Jasmine has been the only one I've been able to talk to. The only one I've been able to smile at... without her... I- I- I'll..."

A tear slid down my cheek and I pushed myself off Trent, standing up. "I have to go. I have to find her. Jasmine, Blake, all of them."

"Kerryn, the war. It's almost over..."

"How long is 'almost', Trent?" I turned around sharply. Another ten years, another ten thousand dead, another hundred thousand gone, forever? Because you said those exact same words, two years ago to that little girl who just wanted her life back. Who just wanted to go home."

"This is your home..."

"Is it? Or is my home, the ruins that me and Jasmine ran away from all those years ago? I want to go back there, Trent, I had a dream, there's someone there, someone waiting for me... something... I can feel it in my flesh."

"You can't go back there, Kerryn, whoever survived is gone. And whoever is still there are the ghosts."

"Trent, my last surviving family member is fighting a war in Africa, and my reasons  for living are dying slowly..."

Trent looks at me sadly. "Kerryn, don't leave us."

"I feel that if I go back to my hometown she'll come back to me."


"I am the Luna of this pack..." I said through my teeth, "I can make my own decisions..."

"Kerryn... no...."

"Do everything you can to get Jasmine back. If I hear she's dead, I die."

"Kerryn... you're being an idiot..."

"I need.... I need closure. That's what I need," I blinked back tears, "why would she go anyway?"


I sighed.

"I leave tonight."

"Your choice, Kerryn. But there's nothing there."

I opened my eyes. They were clouded with tears.

"I hope you're right."


My Stupid, Annoying, Possesive, Alpha MateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz