21; the deluxe dinner

Start from the beginning

As Luis politely humored him, Paige turned to Arthur with an eye roll, just then her mouth tugged down when he said, "He seems subtle. It'd be nice to have a chat with him."

"You're being sarcastic," Paige said in a comatosed voice.

He reared his head back, his eyes gleaming with faint humor. "Am I?"

She shook her head and ignored his remark, riveting on the newcomers. Senator Mike soon schlepped across the hall before giving them a short, concise greeting, barely interested in talking to them. Then he was followed by Owen's mother, Claire, who was just as the manifestation of high-level sophistication like Isolde, but far more open like Paige's mother.

"Why are you a dainty stunner," Claire said with a beam, leaning so that they could exchange the ever-socially-present cheek-kiss. "And who is this fine young man?"

"Arthur Huxley, Ma'am," he said, shooting one hand to initiate a handshake, smiling softly when she took his hand. "Paige's boyfriend."

Her eyes widened both in surprise and mirthfulness. "Oh, that's good to hear, Paige! It is about time that you've finally picked the right one as I've heard from Isolde and Isobel you weren't very lucky with men. Although Owen and you were quite a good match−"


Paige could feel the tension in between the four of them. Her cheeks had grown considerably hot at this, unable to look at the two guys involved. But Claire was barely unfazed and simply excused herself, greeting her parents who had just reached the ground floor by the stairs.

"Sorry about that," Owen said, staring at Paige half the time.

She cleared her throat and spared a brief glance at his outfit just to occupy herself out of the awkwardness. He wasn't in his usual suit and tie. Tonight he'd worn a cream-colored turtleneck sweater which kept in place by his casual plaid trousers, and was donning a black leather shoes; and a leather-strap watch in the same color−peeking from the end of his sleeve−was his only accessory.

Paige looked away.

"...to a minimum," Arthur had said, and Paige realized both men were talking about the former's brother, Archer, and he'd answered that they didn't talk that much any longer.

Owen frowned. "Why hasn't he mentioned about you to us, his friends? It's just odd because I've known Archer for a long time, so you could guess that this got my wires crossed."

Arthur shrugged, arching his eyebrow at his tone. Whether it was because of Owen's genuine curiosity or for another reason, she wasn't too sure.

"There're things not need to be answered."

Paige's fingers were wrapped around her boyfriend's elbow so she felt his taut muscles shifting when Owen's smirk turned wider, subtle enough not to show signs of his typical arrogance.

"What? Scared because you're hiding something?"

Paige instantly scowled. "Owen, don't make my guest think we have no spark of decency here." When she looked back at Arthur, a bone ticked along his jaw, but she swooped her fingers to his and his breathing became neutral almost immediately.

Owen shrugged, leveling his gaze to Arthur's unnecessarily long and hard. "Just interested, that's all. I just wish other people wouldn't try to put the wool over your eyes. You've been through so much already," then he looked at her intently, his eyes softening into an emotion she didn't really want to decipher, "I just don't want to see you get hurt. Again."

Her breathing hitched in her throat at the wake of his words, then she nodded. "I understand. But I'm sure Arthur means well. He just value his privacy."

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