"I-i can't." He said with uneven breathe sounds.

"Is everything ok? I had a free period and I saw Stiles and you run in here." Lydia said.

"No, he's having an anxiety attack." Scott said. "I don't know what to do." He said clueless as his friend had a hard time breathing.

Lydia sunk down to the level Stiles was on so they had eye contact.

"Stiles listen to my voice. Just breathe. Relax." Lydia said basically doing the same thing Scott did.

Scott stood up not knowing what to do. He was pacing with his hands on his head.

Stiles was trying really hard to even out his breathes but that was practically impossible now.

Lydia couldn't watch it anymore. She grabbed his face and kissed him.
"Well you guys better get in there now." Sheriff Stilinski said.

Malia and Isaac ran into the school and headed to Mr. Yukimura's class.

"Malia, Isaac nice of you to show up." Mr. Yukimura said sarcastically.

"Dude where's Scott and Stiles?" Isaac whispered to Malia.

She shrugged but saw their backpacks still here.
Stiles finally stopped breathing riggedly. His eyes widened at the sight of Lydia's lips on his. He instantly pulled away.

Scott stood there watching all of this unfold.

"Y-you can't tell Mal." Stiles and Lydia both said to him in unison.

"I have to. She deserves to know." Scott said defending Malia.

"This will kill her." Stiles said.

"We'll tell her." Lydia said.

"You better." Scott said before leaving.

"Why would you kiss me?!" Stiles asked now feeling like a horrible person.

"You were dying Stiles. I read you can stop a panic attack or anxiety attack by kissing them. It evens out the breathes." Lydia said defending her actions.

"Still! Malia is going to be crushed." Stiles said. But then he remembered the whole reason why their in this mess.

"We're telling her Stiles." Lydia told him.

"Well she cheated first, so." Stiles said like a child.

"What?! With who?" Lydia asked in shock.

"Isaac. Didn't you notice their not here today?" Stiles said.

"I highly doubt she would cheat. She is loyal to her mate and that's you." Lydia said.

"That was me." Stiles said looking down.
Malia saw Scott walk in the class but no Stiles. Where is he? She tapped on Scott's shoulder. "Where is Stiles?" Malia asked.

"He went to check on something but he'll be right back." Scott replied.

Malia leaned back on her chair and waited for him to walk through the door.

After about 3 minutes of waiting she saw Stiles walk through that door. He was nervous and had anxiety all over him.

"Mal I need to talk to you." Stiles said leaning across to her.

"Why?" Malia asked confused.

"Just meet me outside after class please." Stiles said.

"Ok..." Malia said in a strange tone.
The bell rang signifying that class was over. Everyone packed up their stuff and headed out the door. Malia walked out and was grabbed by Stiles. He took her to the front of the school where Lydia said to meet.

"Stiles what's going on?" Malia asked very confused.

Lydia was there waiting for them.

"Lyds why are you here?" Malia asked still so confused.

"Malia we're gonna tell you something and you might not like me very much after I tell you." Stiles said.

"I won't judge, I promise." Malia said repeating the same words she said to Stiles about the Nogitsune.

Stiles grabbed her hand, "I know you won't that's why I love you so much! I love you so damn much Malia Tate!" Stiles said feeling guilty not wanting to tell her.

"We kissed." Lydia blurted out.

Malia took away her hand from Stiles. Her heart was broken again. She knew it, she just didn't want to believe that he could hurt her again. But he did.

"Please say something Mal." Stiles said putting his hand on her cheeks where the blood seemed to be missing.

"That sucks." Malia said before walking away and back to school.

Stiles and Lydia followed her and tried to explain.

Malia could hear nothing. She chose to hear nothing. She just wanted to continue on. She went to her locker and had Lydia on her right and Stiles on her left.

"Mal, please talk to me." Stiles said.

"What am I supposed to say? I hate you for kissing my best friend? Or how could you do this to me again? Because I can't hate you because I love you so damn much." Malia started to break down in front of everyone in the hallway. "Is this what you wanted from me Stiles? You wanted me to cry for you. Well here it is."

"Malia please just talk to us in private." Lydia said trying to calm her down.

"No. In fact I'm gonna go. You two can stay here and feel bad and feel guilty. I'm gonna leave you to do that." Malia said slamming her locker and storming out.

Stiles ran after her. "Mal where are you going?" Stiles screamed because she was farther than he imagined.

"Somewhere where someone won't care what the hell I do." Malia screamed back. She ran to that abandoned apartment the Salvatore brothers used. She walked in and saw Peter still wrapped and decaying. She cut him free and removed all the daggers.

"Well isn't this a shocker." Peter said looking up at his daughter.

"Shut up and listen. Earlier you needed me. Well now I'm your side."

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