Chapter 21

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Its been a few weeks. We've had our good days, and our bad. 

It's so fun having all of the guys around with me. 

But, I never thought what is about to happen, would happen so suddenly.

I'm up in my room, laying on my bed, working on poems for Harry and listening to music. They boys and Jannice are downstairs talking.

"Lily, can you come down here please?" Harry says opening the door.

"I close up my journal and take out my headphones. "Um sure." I get off the bed and go towards Harry. He grabs my hand and leads me downstairs. He sets me down beside him on the couch with me in between him and Liam.

"We have something to tell you, babe." Harry says locking fingers with mine. 

"Its probably not the news you expecting though." Liam states my eyes dart straight to him.

"Wh-What is it?" My face starts to get worried written all over it.

Harry hesitates to answer. "We have to leave. Were going on tour again. And Jannice is coming with us"

"What!? You're leaving just like that!? For how long?" My eyes start to get tears in them.

"About 8 months" Harry looks down to the floor.

"So let me get this straight, you guys are leaving for 8 months and Jannice is going with you and I'm not going!?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Were sorry Lily." Zayn says trying to make me feel better but it totally fails.

"So Jannice gets to go with you and I can't!?" I stand up and I begin to cry.

"Lily, you don't understand" Harry grabs my hand as I start to walk off. 

"No, Harry!" I pull my hand away. "You don't understand!" Harry just looks at me, they all do with tears streaming down my face. "I can't go 8 months without seeing you! Any of you!" My voice starts yo trail off. "I need you"

"Babe, please"

"No Harry, just don't" I run upstairs to my room and cry on the bed with my face in pillow.

I can't believe it. He'sjust gonna leave, just like that. Jannice can go with her boyfriend and I can't even go with mine!? That is sooo unfair! Why would he do this to me?


"I"m gonna go talk to her"

"Harry, don't." Jannice tells me as she walks into the kitchen. "She needs to cool down."



I sink down into the couch. 

"Don't worry, Harry. She'll come through. She always does." Liam says trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah, I guess she does." I slight smile appears on my face as I think about all the times we've shared together. Then my smile fades away at the thought of not being able to see her for 8 months. Jannice gets to come with us, and like every time I look at her I think of Lily since they've become so close. Jan even acts like Lily sometimes. I'm gonna miss her so much.

"You can always video chat her ya know" Louis says taking some chips from Niall and Jan.

"Its just not the same" I say getting up and heading up to talk to Lily. 

"Lily? Babe?" I slowly open her door to find her face in a pillow.

"You might as well just leave now" My girlfriend says sitting up wiping her tears from her eyes. "It won't make a difference"

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