Chapter 17

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Lily and Lou come back downstairs with Lily on his back. Louis sets her down beside me.

"Are you alright now Babe?" I say locking my fingers in between hers.

"Y-yeah. I- I'm fine." She says shyly looking down at our hands. 

I Can tell she is still kinda sad about everything. I wonder what Louis said to her? Did it make her scared? Oh well....

"Come on Lily. We have something to show you" Liam says pulling her off the couch. She looks back at me. I shrug at her not knowing what going on.

"Wha-Where are we going?" Lily asks with Zayn and Louis following.

"You see" Liam replies.


Liam, Louis and Zany lead me out to the backyard. Its the most amazing sight I've ever seen.

"Wha-What's all this!?" I say gasping and looking at Louis. He comes up and wraps his arms around me from behind.

"Its all for you, Lily. Its all of your favorite things. Flowers, twinkling lights, music, a movie, and well... Us!" Louis says then kisses my cheek. 

"Did Harry have anything to do with this?" I shoot them a questioning look.

"Nope! It was just the three of us! We wanted to do something special for you, since we haven't been around." Liam says then kisses my cheek also.

"Well, do you like it?" Zayn says crouching down in front of me.

"Yes! I love it! Thank you guys!" I give Zayn a huge hug, then Liam, then Louis. 

"Well come on! Lets go watch the movie then!" Liam picks me up, throws me over his shoulder, then sets me on a blanket in front of a 'movie screen' in between him and Louis.

"What movie are we watching?" I turn to look at Liam. 

"Toy Story!" Liam says giggling.

"Really Liam!? We've seen that with you a THOUSAND times!"

"I'm just kidding, Were watching your favorite movie." He says laughing.

"You mean, The Little Mermaid!?"

He shakes his head then kisses the top of my head. 

Zayn starts the movie and Louis puts his arm around me. I cuddle up into his side.


"What are they doing out there?" I say looking out the window.

"I don't know. It looks like a movie" Jannice says looking out the window beside me.

"Let me see." Harry comes up to the window and looks. "What is Lily and Louis doing?" 

It looks like he is starting to get a bit mad and jealous. 

"It looks like Louis and Lily are cuddling" Jannice says leaving from the window. "And they're watching The Little Mermaid."

"That's Lily's favorite movie!" Harry says running from the window and plopping down on the couch.

"If he pulls a move on her, I swear I...." He whispers under his breath.

I sit down beside him. "Come on Harry, you know they won't do anything. Louis already has a girlfriend."

"Explain them cuddling then!?" He basically shouts.

"Harry, its September and night time, its cold outside."

Harry takes a deep breath. "I'm going to my room."


By the end of the movie, Lily feel asleep, resting her head on my shoulder. I pick her up and carry her inside.

"Where's Harry? Lily feel asleep and I was gonna have him take her to bed." 

"He's up in their room."Jannice says "He got a little upset."

"What? Why?"

"I'll explain later."

I carry her up to her's and Harry's room and slowly open the door.

"Harry? Lily feel asleep and I wanted to take her to bed."

"Come lay her down beside me." Harry says moving over and moving the sheets.

I lay her down beside him and Harry puts the covers over her.

"I need to talk to you in the morning" Harry says whispering, not waking up Lily.

I nod my head and walk out the door back downstairs.

"Where's Jan and Niall?"

"They went to bed. Its just the 3 of us now." Zayn says getting some food for him and Liam.

"Alright." I sit down beside them on the couch.

Then, I eventually head off to bed.


Sorry it took so long to update.

I haven't really been in a good mood. 

But I hope you all liked it!

Star, share, leave comments!

Thanks for reading!

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