Chapter 1

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~Jannice POV

I was sitting nervously waiting for my phone to buzz. He said he would call me. He said he wanted to tell me something important. I couldn't take it anymore, so I decided to go find food. Right when I get up... my phone starts to vibrate and Niall's solo in More Than This starts playing since its my ringtone. I run over to my phone.


"Hey Jan" Niall says in a soft sweet voice "Okay so I need you to meet me at the park in an hour"

"Um, alright but what for?" I asked so confused.

"Just do it" He says laughing and then hangs up.

Ugh! That boy annoys me sometimes, but I love him anyway.... Only if he knew.

I rush upstairs and I try to find a cute outfit. I scummage through my drawers and find a cute pair of skinny jeans and a cute pink top that says 'Live, Love, and Stay Strong'.  I put my hair in a messy bun and hurry and do my make-up. I look at the time and see I have 10 minutes left before I should be there. I grab my converse and run out the door.


Sorry it was so short. Its oly my first time. I'll try and put another Chapter up later today or tomorrow.

Hope you like it Jan! This story is dedicated to you! Love you! 

First Kiss~ A Niall Horan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now