Chapter 6

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Me and Niall run off to the next coaster I wanna do. I feel bad for Lily though cause her day got ruined. I know she wants me to have fun though. We make it to the coaster.
"There it is Niall. The Titan....." I look at it nervously.
"Don't be scared" Niall grabs my hand. "I'll be beside you the whole time" He shoots me a smile. 
"Lets do it" I say as we slowly walk towards it


I felt bad for Lily. Her day got ruined. We all hate to see her cry. Its horrible. I just hope Harry can get to calm down. But anyway... To be honest... I'm a bit afraid of this ride too..... But I decided I would do it anyway to make my Baby Happy.
"You Rady Jan? I know I'm ready" I say slightly nervously as I look at her then at the coaster.
"Yep! I'm ready!" She grabs my hand and we board the coaster. 
We board the coaster and hold hands through out the whole thing.


"Omg! That was the best ride ever!" Jannice says jumping up and down,
"Haha! I heard you screaming! You were scared!"I say laughing.
"I was not scared!" She gives me a peck on the cheek.
"Haha! Lets go get some food" I say pulling her towards a food stand.


We finally get home and Lily goes straight to her room, flops on the bed and starts crying. I really do not like to see Lily cry at all.
"Lily come on! Please stop crying." I say knocking on her bedroom door.
"Harry please... Jut leave me alone..."
"Babe, please. Let me in."  I say as sweetly as possible
"Fine..." She unlocks the door and I sit down with her on the bed.
"Come on, Babe." I wipe away her tears. "Its not that bad"
"Yes it is! They were saying the worst things! Why would he date a girl like her? Shes sooo ugly! Shes not right for him.."  She bursts into tears. I don't know how to make her stop.
"I told you I'm not right for you! And that I'm ugly..." She covers her face with her hands.
"Lily, listen to me. Just because people say you aren't right for me doesn't mean you aren't." I lift up her head and wipe away her tears. "You're perfect to me. And you're the most beautiful girl in the world" I give her a kiss on her forehead.
"You really mean all that Harry?" She sniffs and wipes away the tears.
"Of course I do Babe"
"I'm sorry for ruining your day..."
"You didn't ruin my day. I promise" I interlock my fingers with hers. 
"I'm hungry.." She say rubbing her tummy
"Alright.. Lets go get some Apple Bees" I grab the car keys and head out the door


After Niall finally gets his food, I get a call from Lily.
"Hi Jan. Its Lily."
"Hey! How are!? Are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine don't worry. Harry calmed me down. I want you and Niall to meet us at Apple Bees if that's alright?"
"Yeah! Sure! We'll be there in 20"
"Thanks Jan.. bye" She hangs up the phone

"I hope you're still hungry Niall cause Lily and Haz wants us to meet them at Apple Bees"
"Still hungry!? Of course I am! Lets go!" Niall screams, grabs my hand and we run to the car and head to Apple Bees.

Okay so this next chapter will be a double date will all of us together at the same time. I hope you liked it Jan! Be sure to comment what you think and share with your friends. Thanks for reading! 

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