Chapter 5 - Ice scream romance

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“Katia dear, what was with the note you left for me?” Rhyannon frowned as she found Katia at her desk scribbling the number twenty three over and over.

“I wish I could tell you but I don’t even know. Last night I woke up screaming it and it’s been invading me ever since, I think its too do with what’s happening only I don’t know how.”

“Strange, try to forget about it for the time being we don’t know what it means so all it’s going to do is taunt you. How about some breakfast?

“I’m really not hungry, I feel so sick from the vibe this number thing is giving me.”

“You need to eat dear.”

“Fine, I’ll go down in a minute.”

Katia went down to the food hall, her stomach not feeling good. After grabbing some toast she went to the usual table, Jasper motioned for her to take a seat next to him, he was sitting slightly away from everyone else.

“Hey Jasper, what’s up?”

“Soph told me about the twenty three thing, I need to talk to you about it.”

“But it’s just a number I know nothing more.”

“That’s why I need to talk to you, I’m not gifted with the elements but I get premonitions.”

“As in you see things?”

“Pretty much, sometimes they are more detailed than other times.”

“Where do I come into it? Sounds pretty cool.”

“Twenty three wasn’t just going on for you, I had a premonition involving it and I think between us we may work something out.”

“As you know mine was just the number.”

“Yes and I had a blank letterbox, well the number had been blurred so I couldn’t read it. I believe the enemies base is at number twenty three, the street sign was also unclear but the scenery was clear.”

“So your thinking of going after them?”

“No just letting the authorities know about a clue we may have will be enough for now. The street, it’s a place I’ve been before actually quite recently. Rhyannon thinks that Caspian, Sophia, you and I should go back to the area and make sure it’s the same place.”

“What if they see us?”

“We’ll be in a car with tinted windows, we can see the outside world but they won’t be able to see in.”

“Do you think it’s a good idea?”

“It could give us the only lead anyone has so far, so I think it’s important that we go investigate. We won’t be going close to their possible base, I just need to confirm the street is the one I saw.”

“Okay, let’s do it.”

“That’s the way.”

Feeling much better after discussing things with Jasper, Katia found her appetite had returned so she went and got another plate before joining the regular group. Megan, Lily and a few others were getting frustrated at having no clue what was going on while Caspian, Sophia and Jasper talked in just a whisper. Katia sat down next to Jasper to finish her meal and found out Rhyannon was also going to come along, she really was big on safety in numbers. After everyone had finished eating they made their way to Rhyannon’s office before jumping into the car. Katia was quiet she didn’t really know why she was going with them, after all she only had the number scream at her.

Belsik Park was the location Jasper had recognised in his premonition and sure enough he was right about the street. The area was pretty quiet and full of young families, a frightening location for such evil forces to be hiding. Rhyannon decided that trying to observe the house of number twenty three from a distance was a good option but she would fly solo for that task, she didn’t want to endanger her students. She insisted Caspian, Sophia, Jasper and Katia go spend some time in town doing whatever they wished while she played spy. Sophia and Jasper jumped at the opportunity to have some time alone away from school so Katia got left with Caspian. Sophia’s comments about Caspian had been playing on Katia’s mind in the rare breaks the number thing had given her, now she found herself alone with him she was nervous the butterflies in your stomach type when your friend is right about you liking someone. Katia wasn’t sure what to do so she headed toward the shade of one of the large trees at the end of the park furthest from the suspect house, sat down and got out her book while Caspian stood there awkwardly.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Dec 22, 2011 ⏰

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