Chapter4 - Fire and Fear

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Everyone was screaming and shouting many different things as we took in the news we’d just been given. Dangerous things were now happening, too close to the school for comfort. Had the student just been killed it may of been a coincidence but to have his heart missing and of suffered the wounds that he did the attacker was also Lamia’s believed attacker. Ti-evel it seemed was out on an attack on the school and no one knew what he was capable of or if he was working with others. Rhyannon tried to calm the crowd, but the more time that went by the more reality set in, the more students were freaking out. She suggested students stick in pairs or groups and to keep an eye out for any unusual activity. Once dismissed the day was too go on as usual classes and all.

Classes dragged as did time most students too shocked and scared to focus on work. Teachers were also affected and by the end of the days classes everyone was exhausted and anxious. Sophia and Caspian had been passing notes back and forth during the last class of the day, being very careful that no one else saw, until Jasper grabbed the note. But he seemed to understand what was going on nodded his head and handed it back. Megan, Lily and Katia had no idea what was going on. Dinner was a very quiet non event, many not eating and those who did were focused on their food and getting back to their rooms. Katia couldn’t help but notice Caspian’s absence at the dinner table, Sophia said he was training but didn’t say what he was training for. Tingles ran up and down Katia’s spine as she felt something very strange was going on. Ignoring the warning to stick together Katia excused herself from the dinner table and set off on a walk, hoping to find Caspian.

The school grounds were bigger than Katia was expecting there was still so much of the school she hadn’t seen. She find herself wondering down a stone pathway that was only lit up by the odd flickering light, giving the school a darkness she hadn’t felt before. Shivers ran up and down here as she got further away from the main buildings, the wind also picking up making it a cold evening. Things were so much quieter in this area of the school, it was eerie compared to the general areas. Coming to an old wooden bench Katia sat down, unsure of if she should go any further into the looming darkness as she thought of Rhyannon’s advice. I shouldn’t be obeying such serious requests but I feel somethings going on that I need to know about, I should be okay if I stay within school grounds surely.

Katia opened her journal and was about to start writing when she heard a whirling noise coming from somewhere near by. She turned around but couldn’t see anyone, now she was scared. She heard the noise again this time getting up and not knowing what way to go. There was no sign of extra light or of anyone being near by. She heard a different noise, she listened carefully this one was like a firework. What the hell is going on here. That was when she saw him, Caspian holding what looked like a sword on fire. A part of her wanted to run, a part of her wanted to go find out what he was doing but the biggest part of her froze with fear. She tried to be silent and observe from a distance but slipped on one of the rocks.

“Oh shit.” Katia squealed as she slipped.

“Hello, who’s out there? Are you okay?” I could just make out his voice and heard footsteps coming closer as i laid face down in the dirt.

“KKK..Katia, I’m fine,” I lied hoping he wouldn’t come any closer and see the mess I was in. However I did want to question him but now was not the right time. My head was throbbing and I couldn’t get myself up.

“Katia, hey what are you doing down here alone?”

“I could ask you the same question.”

“I was training.”


“Let’s worry about that latter, did you need a hand up?”

“I’m okay, actually that would be good thanks.” His touch was really warm, unnaturally warm. I really did need to get some answers but was too sore.

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