Fairchange Danger - Chapter one - UnFair Change

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Tension had been building over the last couple of months at the Jones’s residence as Georgia the older of the sisters began to gain attitude and feel that Katia her younger sister was being treated way better than she was and had so much more. Following the death of their mother six years ago the girls had become very close, but now it was like they were strangers as Katia and the girls father Gerald began to see less and less of Georgia. Georgia couldn’t wait for the day when she would get to leave home and begin making the change from human to fairy and attend Faircademy; a school for those making the change. She would finally have something good and different from Katia who would still have a few years to wait. Gerald was in the kitchen singing along to the radio one Friday evening while he was cooking the one “family” meal of the week a roast, Katia sat at the table talking to him in between reading a book when the door suddenly banged loudly open as Georgia entered the room.

“Dad, guess what? I’ve began to change, this is so great I’ll be out of here on Monday. Check out my feet they are becoming skinnier and my toes are becoming pointy. I’ve been waiting forever for this day.” Georgia smiled for the first time in weeks.

“That’s great Hun and I’m very excited for you but you’re forgetting you haven’t had the entrance interview for Faircademy yet.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Never mind very soon I will be off to start the next chapter of my life and learnt he way of the Fairy.”

“Make sure you never forget who your family are when you go.” Gerald smiled at her.

“Yeah I know. Katia your lucks ran out, I now have something bigger and better than you’ll ever have. I’m Mums first daughter to start the change and I’ll be the first to complete it, she will be looking down on us and be so proud of me. I’ll be like all fully changed and powerful and you’ll just be a useless weak human.”

“Seriously, Georgia you need to get over yourself. Naturally you will change before me but that doesn’t make mother or father any less proud of me. They expect and know I’ll change later than you. She wouldn’t like the way you’re acting right now, so sorry to burst your bubble but it’s no great victory.” Katia frowned, saddened by her sisters ridiculous behaviour.

Georgia’s beaming smile had become a frown as her face begun flushing red. Storming out of the room she slammed the door shut so hard in anger that the beautiful rose stained glass window on it that her father had spent a long time making in memory of the girls mother got completely shattered into a hundred pieces. Katia shook her head and went to get up to tell Georgia off but her father shook his head and insisted she remain seated and that going to speak to Georgia probably wasn’t a good idea.

“That sister of yours has some severe anger management issues; I can’t believe she broke the window yet again. I’m going to keep it broken until she goes to Faircademy, I can’t afford to keep fixing it everytime she’s in one of her moods. If only she’d learn to control her temper then these painful things wouldn’t happen and we’d all be happier.”

“I know, sorry about the window father. It’s my fault she got all worked up and stormed out.” Katia frowned, hating the hurt she was seeing in her fathers eyes because of her sister.

“Hun, none of this is your fault. All you did was state the facts, she was the one who was rude and out of line.”

Blistering winds and thunderous rains ruined everyones weekend as they were forced to stay indoors, the tension inside the Jones residence building to the extent things were barely hanging on by one lonely thread. Georgia and thrown temper tantrum after temper tantrum saying unforgiving things when Gerald refused to drive her to a friends, enough to drive Katia who was feeling very off into the one area of the house where she could go and not be disturbed. Katia was lucky enough to have her own art space, it used to be just a old unused attic under the house before Gerald helped her convert it. She wanted to sleep off whatever was wrong with her but given Georgia was finding anything and everything to argue with them about all she could do was take refuge in her art space. Sunday evening she discovered why she had been feeling so unwell and that Georgia wasn’t going to be the only one going to a Faircademy entrance interview the following day. She sat on the cold floorboards in the art space trying to work out just how she would tell her father and more importantly Georgia that she would be joining her at Faircademy without causing a completely dramatic scene and came to the conclusion that there was no way around Georgia not going nuts.

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