As you enter the house, you notice it is very nice. It is quite large and clean. It still gives off a nice, welcoming vibe to you though. You follow Ally and Camila into the living room and see what looks to be, a married couple, sitting on the couch watching tv. From Camila's posture and facial expression, she looks to be comfortable around them. The couple looks away from the television and their faces instantly brighten when they see Camila,
"CC! Look at you all grown up!" The man shouts out and he and the woman stand up and rush towards Camila. What is it with this family yelling within such close proximities to one another?
"Uncle George and Aunt Claire! It's so nice to see you both!" (A/n for all the parents I'm just going to make up names. You know what to do if you don't like it.)
"We've missed you so much Camila. We're so happy you're here!" Aunt Claire says with a smile on her face,
"I've missed you both too,"
"Who's this pretty girl standing next to you?" Aunt Claire asks,
"This is my wonderful girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, these are George and Claire Hernandez, Ally's parents,"
"Mr and Mrs Hernandez, it's great to meet you," you say kindly,
"It's great to meet you too, Sweetheart. Please feel free to call us George and Claire," George says with a smile on his face. You're glad Camila's family has been completely nice and welcoming so far. Ally decides to get involved with the conversation,
"Well, we're the only people here right now. Mila, why don't you go give Y/N a little house tour?"
"Ya, that's a good idea," Camila says while sticking her hand out towards you, "Is that ok with you?"
"Of course," you say while grabbing her hand and sending a smile towards the Hernandez family, silently telling them goodbye for now.

After walking around Camila's entire house for twenty minutes, you finally end up in her bedroom which is where you'll be sleeping the next few nights. Upon entering her room, you notice how empty and sad it looks. You can tell that that's exactly how Camila had left it, meaning nobody had touched it in years,
"Welcome to my humble abode," Camila says rather softly. You scan her face to see how she's feeling. Even though she has a small smile on her face, her eyes contain a bit of sadness,
"I promise it hasn't always looked this depressing," she says, reading your thoughts, "I took everything with me when I left. It used to have pictures, journals, books, awards, my guitar, and of course my One Direction posters," You let a laugh out, from the stories she has shared, you have always found it to be quite funny and amusing how big of a Directioner she once was, "this was my safe place. When we had the falling out, I didn't feel comfortable around my family. The only place I could really go to and be away from them was here. My favorite thing about my room is the view though actually," Whilst looking at Camila's room, you had failed to realize that she has quite a large window which actually does have a really nice view, out looking her neighborhood, "when I was younger, I thought that I could see the entire town from here. As I got older, I didn't really pay much attention to the town, but to what was up above it. Throughout high school, I would climb out of the window and go sit on the roof at night and just stare at the moon and stars. As you know, I've always been really fascinated with astronomy. I'll take you up to the roof one of these nights. It's really amazing,"
"Yeah, that sounds great," you respond back. You love that your girlfriend is continuing to open up to you. You can't wait to learn more and more about her. You look at Camila and see she's practically staring at your lips. You both lean in at the same time. What once started off as a gentle, sweet kiss, suddenly turns into a heated make-out session. Before anything can be taken too far, you hear a knock on the door. You both pull away and slightly readjust your clothing. You inwardly grown as Camila stands up and walks over to the door. As soon as she opens the door, you see Ally, who if you're reading correctly, has a slight hint of nervousness on her face,
"CC, your parents are here."

As you're walking down the steps and heading towards the kitchen, you're scared. You know that this is absolutely terrifying for Camila though, so you need to be strong for her. You're holding her hand, softly rubbing it, and as you draw closer to the kitchen, her grip continues to tighten. You're not sure how everything is going to work out. For your girlfriend's sake, you hope it goes as well as it possibly can. Of course, you being you, can't stop your brain from imagining the absolute worst though. Before entering the kitchen, Ally sends a small smile directed towards Camila, as if saying, 'No worries, we've got you,' without actually having to utter a word.

Who Should I Choose? (Camren/You)Where stories live. Discover now