Chapter 28 Loki

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"I'm so tired of winter, Odie!" Adrianna said.

"It's almost over."

"Now that Eli has graduated I'm without a mentor."

"Walter told me they plan to offer you a mentor-ship."

"I've only been in school six months."

"Yes, but you have also been an apprentice with us. You may be allowed an early graduation like I was."

"Can I talk to you about something very private?" Adrianna whispered. Elodia approached her and put an arm around her.

"Whatever you tell me, will remain private."

"Kay's so very happy being pregnant."

"We have all noticed that too."

"I'm very happy for her...but I'm so jealous."

"I take it you're hoping for a baby?"

"Yes, and I feel so guilty about my jealousy."

"Addie jealousy is just a feeling like any other, what counts is what you do with it."

"I don't understand," Adrianna was close to tears, "I love Kay I don't want to feel this way."

"Have you said mean things to her, or refused to talk to her?"

"No, I'm at her place daily. I help her cook, clean and with the twins."

"Let me tell you a secret, it's OK to feel jealous. Accept it and stand with her."

"That is my plan...but when will I get pregnant!" Adrianna was now shedding silent tears. Elodia continued to hold her.

"You and James are both young and healthy, so it will happen. You also have a lot on your plate. You're still a newlywed, now with three teenage daughters. You're going to school full time and working in the clinic. It will happen."

"Thank you for listening."

"Hey, what are sisters for. Did I mention all your sisters, well four of us now have cooks and housekeepers too."

"What do you think about it?"

"It's a bit of an adjustment, I do like to cook. But we're so busy with everything and I really appreciate the help. Like you and James we have given the staff weekends off so I can still cook. At my leisure that is."

"It really makes my days less hectic, I have more energy for the girls."

"How are the girls getting a long?" Elodia asked.

"Constant drama, frequent bickering, but their as thick as thieves. I would have loved a sister growing up."

"Well we both have a plethora of sisters now."

The men were caring tables and chairs into Elodia's home as the curtain wall between the clinic and the great room was opened to make a large area for dining together. In the warmer weather they would eat together every Sunday, usually in Theodora's garden. The snow was gone, but it was still to chilly to eat outside. And since Kaitlyn's home was only across the street having at Elodia's had become the pattern. James was carrying a large platter with roasted chickens, Adrianna, Gemma, Stella and Geraldine all carried warm apple pies.

"Those pie smell so good!" Walter said as he held the door open. Kaitlyn was already there and looking tired. Gemma walked over to her and took one of the babies after dropping off the pie. Adrianna took the other baby. They then allowed the babies to crawl around as Theodora's, Elodia's, Susan's and Maryann's toddlers ran around. Eryka, Ellie and Aliyah keeping the toddlers occupied.

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