Chapter 12 Dragon Riders

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"Elody, you be careful I have mixed feelings about this one. The covenant will be at tremendous risk."

"Yes Mother Ruth."

"You had mixed feelings about me too," Theodora added smiling, "You were going to burn me."

"You have a good point Teddi," Mother Ruth responded, "That is why reason and patience are important. I have no idea where this girl is. The egg hatched just west of Dexter. She could be a harbinger of the end, or the saving of the covenant."

"We'll fly to Teddi's village then south to Dexter," Elodia said.

"Why don't we call the dragon to us?" Maryann said. "The dragons can call the baby dragon and it will lead us."

"Let's be off then," Elodia said.

"Can't imagine the mess we'll come home to leaving the men folk alone with the kids," Susan said laughing.

The dragons cloaked and they took to the air circling Coven House as they climbed higher and higher. Then with a pop they crossed the frozen airless void and arrived in the sky over Elodia's village then turned south toward Dexter. Theodora was screaming with delight, "I love crossing! What a rush."

"You're odd Teddi, it make me nauseous," Maryann answered.

"Hush you two," Elody laughed, "let the dragons call. Let's head west toward Pickney once we reach Dexter."


"Addie, Kaitlyn let me introduce you to Brian and Rob, they are from the Republic and are the brains behind this enterprise. This is my aunt Kaitlyn and my lovely fiancé Adrianna." They all exchanged handshakes.

"James and I are planning to be married tomorrow once we get to the magistrate in Pickney, I can hardly wait!" Adrianna said smiling.

"Why wait?" Brian said, "We're all going to the Republic, we don't have magistrates."

"What do you mean?" James asked.

"Just introduce yourselves to two whiteness as man and wife. It's called a declaration and is legally binding." James looked into Adrianna's eyes inquiringly. She smiled took his hand and nodded.

"Brian, Rod and Kaitlyn, I would like to introduce you to Adrianna, my wife." Adrianna smiled and holding James's hand tighter spoke in a clear voice.

"And I would like to introduce you to my husband, James."

"There, congratulations to the newlyweds," Brian said, "let's start the boiler."

"My boiler has already started!" James whispered in Adrianna's ear.

"And you call me a hooligan!" she whispered back and bit his ear.

"Are you two coming?" Brian asked smiling at them.

"Sorry, I got carried away," James answered.

Brian filled the boiler with water as Rob put coal in the firebox and started the fire. "This is the water level indicator," Brian said pointing, it is very important to keep the water at this level."

"Why?" Adrianna asked.

"The thing will explode. This is the pressure gauge, there is your optimal operating pressure, and the red line is the danger point."

"I am very satisfied with your work," James said.

"Thank you, we have started with a full size version at the mine in Novi. Why did you commission this small one here?"

"I was going to have some associates of mine take it to the local mines and demonstrate it. But now with the labor strikes and violence that is no longer possible."

"Fire making is just as important as watering," Rod started. "Feed the fire small amounts frequently, like I'm doing."


"There's the little dragon!" Susan said pointing. "Do you have a name dragon?"

"I'm Ruby."

"Ruby, please take us to your rider." The little dragon led them toward the camp.

"ODIE! Look, Imperial Calvary. We got to move fast," Theodora said.

"You three stay cloaked, let's go!" The dragon landed a few feet from the burnt cabin and Elodia uncloaked startling the work party. "I'm Elodia, a dragon rider and I've come for the new dragon rider."

"That would be me," Adrianna said, "I'm Addie and my dragon Rudy."

"Your dragon said she was Ruby." Elodia laughed.

"So you're a girl, so Ruby it is!" Adrianna said smiling at her little dragon.

"Why are there three other dragons?" Kaitlyn asked.

"You can see them?" Elodia asked looking surprised. Kaitlyn nodded. "You are to be a dragon rider too, come with us."

"I just can't leave everyone," Adrianna said.

"Imperial Calvary is three miles away and coming fast," Elodia added.

James put his arms around Adrianna, "You and Kaitlyn go." Adrianna was shaking her head no. "Yes you go. I have to get my men out safely. I'll be the bait and stay behind."

"No-o-o Jimmy!" Adrianna cried clinging to him. Rob and Brian were already on horseback and ridding out.

"Please Half Pint, you must go." He lifted her onto the dragon and pulled a roll of imperial notes from his pocket and thrust it into Adrianna's hand and kissed her.

"We can take you too," Elodia said.

"My men must get away or they will be hung as spies, I'll stay. They have nothing on me." Elodia helped Adrianna to buckle in as Susan helped Kaitlyn then they were gone. James rolled up his sleeve and started coaling the boiler, "small and frequent" he said to himself. Once the pressure was right he opened the valve and was satisfied to see the piston begin to move. James continued to feed the fire as the Imperial Calvary surrounded him.

With a loud pop the four dragons were suddenly flying above Turnagain Bay and remaining cloaked began their decent and landed in the garden cloister of Coven House. Kaitlyn and Adrianna were assisted off the dragons, Adrianna was sobbing. Theodora put her arms around her to comfort her.

"We were just married!"

"How long ago Addie?" Theodora whispered.

"About an hour!" Adrianna wailed. All of the women hugged her as she continued to sob. "It's so unfair!" Eventually her tears subsided and they joined Mother Ruth for lunch in Coven House.

"What are you holding so tightly in your hand Addie?" Mother Ruth asked softly.

"I don't know, James gave me this." She placed the tightly rolled bundle on the table and Kaitlyn unrolled it.

"Addie he gave you a fortune, there are high denomination imperial gold certificates."

"Us a fortune Kay."

They ate quietly and Mother Ruth instructed them that Elodia would handle their training and assist them in finding housing. She also promised Adrianna that the coven resources were available to help in recovering James. After lunch the six women took a long boat to Novi.

"You're staying with us," Maryann said.

"We have a house available we can show you tomorrow, and if you like it we can sell or lease it to you. It needs some work and you'll have to contend with all of us as neighbors," Theodora added.

"You all seem nice enough," Adrianna said smiling.

"You haven't met our families yet," Susan laughed, "You just might change your mind." With that warning they walked into Elodia's home.

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