Chapter 18 Rescue

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Gemma brought the basin to the bedside. She had it filled with warm water. James struggled to get out of his shirt so Gemma assisted. "That's very kind of you Gemma."

"It's OK, I don't mind helping. I got some sandwiches and beer too."

"Why are you helping me?" James asked as he began to wash himself.

"Addie cured my crippled leg and promised to take me to the Republic. Here, let me wash your back."

"I can't let you..."

"Oh come on, it's just your back." James relented.

"Now turn around Gemma." She did but managed to get a peek, enough to satisfy her curiosity. James was covered by her blanket and the cape while she rummaged through the stored clothes and found a pair of pants that fit him and a shirt. He put the pants on.

"Couldn't find shoes but its dark so perhaps in the morning."

"Thank you Gemma."

"Here have some sandwiches, and I got some beers too."

"Eat with me Gemma, please. I would love the company,"

"I am really hungry. You can have my bed. It's really small."

"I can't take your bed!"

"You'll have to, me and Addie won't be able to lift you off the ground."

"Then take the blanket and pillow."

"I'll use your cape and I do have another pillow."

"You have been so good to me Gemma, I don't know what to say. Between all the food and your enthusiastic help, you have exhausted me."

"Then don't, just sleep. We need to stay hidden until Addie comes back." They were startled the firing of guns and the alarm bells. "You're safe here James." Later James fell into a deep sleep as Gemma lay on the cluttered floor next to the bed. She covered herself with James's great cloak and tried unsuccessfully to sleep, but finally slept fitfully in the early hours of the day. She heard the early morning meal preparation and hoped the Madam would feed her this morning. She discarded the flimsy nightgown and put on the shirt James had tried on, and went upstairs. The large shirt hung loosely on her even covering her knees. She had the sleeves rolled up to expose her hands. Somehow the empty beer bottles had rolled under her while she slept and she was feeling the pain in her lower back and bottom as she limped to the kitchen.

"Sit down and join us Gemma, you earned it." Gemma sat gingerly on to the chair.

"My bottom really hurts!" she whispered and was surprised by all the laughter of all those at the table.

"Tell us about your first impression of being with a client?" the Madam asked. Thinking about the large bulk of James in her narrow bunk she responded as she helped herself to eggs.

"He was so big...I didn't think he'd fit!" Her latest statement brought howls of laughter.

"Did you get a good look at him?"

"When I washed him I did."

"You washed him!" she nodded. "Tell us more how he looked."

"Really big."

"You mentioned that."

"He had just shaved and gotten a haircut. He had the bluest eyes."

"What did he say?"

"I don't remember, we talked while I helped him undress." There was another eruption of laughter.

"What was he wearing?"

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