Chapter 16 The Lock Up

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They walked into the inn and were greeted by the innkeeper who recognized them, "Welcome back, Mrs. and Miss Greene if I recall."

"You have an excellent memory thank you. We would like a room please," Kaitlyn said.

"And Mr. Greene?"

"He'll be along in a couple of days."

"I'll have your baggage taken to your room, lunch is about to be served. Enjoy your stay."

"I wanted to tell him we're both Mrs. Greene now," Adrianna whispered.

"That would have required an explanation, I'm glad you didn't."

"Look at the food, I'm so starving!"

"You refused breakfast Addie."

"My stomach was all squishy."

"A little nervous?"

"More than a little, now it's empty." Adrianna helped herself to large portions of everything and they sat together eating. "What time should we go to the jail?"

"In the morning, let's find that healer, perhaps she can tell us about the jail."

"I know he's still here, that 'Seeing' we did last night told me so."

"You said he spoke to you."

"Yes...he told me to not try anything," Adrianna was making a valiant effort to contain her grief. Kaitlyn squeezed her hand and whispered.

"And since when do you do as you're told." Adrianna smiled in response.

"Only when it pleases me!"

They walked through the city as they made their way to the healers little clinic and walked in. A bell rang as they closed the door and the healer came into the room passing through a bead curtain. "I know you!" she said as she hugged Adrianna then Kaitlyn. "You the little witch that helped me heal that poor child."

"I'm back in town," Adrianna said smiling at the woman, "call me Addie, please."

"Are you a witch too?" she asked Kaitlyn. "I'm Lisa."

"I'm told I am one. Call me Kaitlyn."

"You're taking a big risk coming here Addie."

"I don't think anyone will recognize me after so much time. I had to come. I really need to talk to someone I can trust."

"You can trust me, I've kept your secret."

"My husband has been arrested, I don't know why, but could you give us information on the jail?"

"I've been in it several times, professionally to treat injuries, and once for an outbreak of respiratory illness."

"We don't know where it is or anything."

"I'll walk you over, then let me give you the layout." As they walked back from the jail Lisa explained, "It's three stories high but its elevated on tall bluff at the edge of the harbor so the second story windows are over sixty feet above a rocky beach, so they aren't barred."

"I think I saw the building when our ship landed, thought it was a fort."

"It does look like a fort. The women are held on the second floor and the men on the third. Each floor has six cells. They are really small and isolated from each other. They currently have only one prisoner in residence. Usually they hang all prisoners after a few weeks on hanging day."

"That agrees with what I saw?" Adrianna said to Kaitlyn.

"Just south of the jail is and area called the 'hole'. It's just a pit with a steel door."

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