Chapter 27 First Snow

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"Addie, it snowed last night!" Gemma shouted as she looked out the kitchen window in her nightgown. Adrianna jumped out of bed and wrapping herself in James's robe dashed to the kitchen looking out the window with Gemma.

"Snowball fight?" Adrianna said as both of them stepped outside barefoot and wearing only a robe or a thin nightgown and began throwing snowballs at each other. Maud and Mae were crossing the yard toward the kitchen as they chased each other throwing poorly aimed snowballs. "Good morning!" Adrianna shouted at them. They ran in the snow for several minutes throwing snowballs at each other. Then giggling they dashed back into the house.

"My feet and hands hurt and the rest of me is freezing!" Gemma said as she stood shivering.

"James is heating water for a shower, let's steal it!" Adrianna giggled.

"Where's my robe Addie, I'm going to shower," James called from their room.

"I got it Jimmy...and the shower too," they were still giggling and shivering as they stepped into the shower together.

"That feels so good!" Gemma sighed as the warm water flowed over them.

"Let's dress a bit warmer next time we play in the snow."

"Maud and Mae saw us," Gemma laughed.

"They're probably used to our antics by now."

"Addie, there's only one towel."

"You take it, I'll ask Jim to get me one." Gemma dried off her hair then the rest of her and wrapping in the towel. Then taking her night gown, which was wet from the snow, dashed to her room. "Jimmy, could you bring me a towel please."

"I put one in there for MY shower, go ahead and use it."

"I gave it to Gemma."

"You showered together?"

"We were freezing cold. We had a snowball fight."

"I would have loved to see that, I'll bring you a towel." James took a towel from the linen closet, and greeting Maud and Mae as he passed through the kitchen. Then he stood at the washroom door.

"A towel for you madam."

"Thank you kind sir," Adrianna standing behind the door opening it a crack and reaching around took the towel as steam escaped the room.

"I'll be in the library."

"Are you dressed?"

"Yes, a couple of short people stole my hot water." Adrianna laughed at his statement. She dried her hair then continued to dry herself and taking a brush worked on her hair. Then wrapping in the towel she started toward her room, when she had second thoughts. Smiling she slipped unnoticed into the library, and stood behind James. She removed her towel, and rolling it snapped it hitting his hands and knocking the book from his hand. She ran to his side snapping the towel again striking his shoulder. She tried a third snap but he caught it this time, grabbed it from her and stood laughing at her. She let out a shriek and started to run as he followed snapping the towel just inches from her bottom. She was laughing as she ran across the library and down the long hall, through the receiving room and finally into the kitchen, James in hot pursuit. Maud and Mae stood frozen by the spectacle of Adrianna laughing and running naked. At that instant Kaitlyn walked into the kitchen stomping the snow from her boots. Adrianna skidded to a stop in front of Kaitlyn as James snapped the towel making contact with her bottom. She yelped. James had just seen Kaitlyn as she stood open mouthed watching the chase and froze. Adrianna was the first to recover her wits, "Hi Kaitlyn," she said smiling innocently. Then she snatched the towel from James and clutched it to her.

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