Chapter 25 Land of Fire and Ice

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The early morning sun was a warm yellow as it filtered through the curtains. Adrianna had been awake for some time. She had been worrying all night about their planned dragon flight. James was still sleeping heavily. Adrianna was laying on her side, her head resting on his shoulder. She had her left arm curled on his chest and her left leg flexed and over his legs. She was playing with his hair with her right hand. She loved just looking at him as he slept. He had started to grow a mustache, and she was not sure she liked it. It had a lot of gray and blond colored hairs it. Then with a mischievous smile she took one of the hairs with her thumb and finger and plucked it out. James stirred, not waking. Smiling even brighter and biting her lower lip she plucked another hair. As she grasped a third hair James's hand caught her wrist.

"What? Addie..."

"I was bored," she giggled. James rolled into his side and held her trapping her arms and smiling at her.

"Hooligan! Do you want me to shave?"

"I don't know, I might like your mustache."

"Why were you plucking it out?"

"I was pruning it," she said with a devious look, "just removing the gray, so it could come in bushier."

"You have quite a day planned."

"Yes, thank you for all the ruby silver."

"I'm not sure giving it to the wild dragons is a good idea Half Pint."

"I hate to see anything suffer."

"I know," James said as he kissed her. "Guess we should get up."

"I said I was bored, I didn't say I wanted to get up!" she whispered as she bit him.

"We have over two hundred pounds of the ruby silver," Elodia said "tell James we really appreciate it."

"I more than simply told him this morning Odie," Adrianna teased.

"Were you naughty again?" Elodia teased her back.

"I'm a witch, naughty comes naturally."

"Did you all pack towels and a lunch," Maryann asked.

"Maude made a whole bunch of pasties for us," Gemma said.

"You're going to miss another day of school Gemma, how do you feel about that?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Absolutely heart broken," Gemma said sarcastically as her sisters laughed.

"We should be home this evening if all goes well," Elodia said.

"How far away is the island," Adrianna asked.

"About eighteen hundred miles. It's in the frozen sea."

The dragons cloaked and lifted off circling Turnagain Bay to gain altitude. Then with a pop they were high in the sky above an active volcano rising from the frozen sea as it belched fire into the sky. Other dragons flew up to greet them. They followed the dragon as they descended into the thick mist and landed in the bowl of a huge cavern. The cavern was covered with soft sand and small fires were scattered all along the floor. Several dragons lay on the sand with eggs near the flames. A very large dragon lay by itself off to the side. The dragon appeared thin and its skin dull in color.

"Loki," Elodia said, "We brought you something."

"I thought I scared you little witches away last time." Elodia walked up to the dragon and gently rubbed his head between his horns. "I love it when you do that," Loki groaned.

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