« I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to... I'm sorry. » I quickly blurted out then left. What's wrong with me ?

Your POV

I stared blankly at the doorway where Party stood a couple minutes ago. My mouth slightly hanging open from the shock of what the Killjoys' leader had told me... He doesn't care...

« Hey ! So, the guys are gone, if you need anything, I'll be in my room ! It's the one just around the corner, first door on the left. » Jet reappeared at the entrance. He held his helmet under his arm and his hair was all messy, probably because of it. I nodded absentmindedly at what he said and continued the conversation that was going on in my head.

« Oh and, they'll contact me as regularly as possible, to check on the base... And on you. » The last part came out as a whisper but I still heard it. My head shot up and I saw Jet glancing at me and smirking. Ghoul and now Jet ? Have they all noticed ? To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised, I'm not that good at hiding my feelings. Especially when it's something that strong...

Time Skip

It's been three weeks since they left. Jet and I are doing fine, they're doing good up there too. 'Up there' being the unknown place they now live in and have lived in for the last weeks. They don't want to tell me where it is because their 'boss' told them not too. But, I tought the leader of the Killjoys was Party ? When I asked Jet about it he just shook is head and told me he would explain everything later. I still didn't know what was their mission about, but as long as they are fine, that's the only thing that matters. Right now, I was in my bed, well in Party's... But my thoughts were nowhere near the gas station. No, I was repeating that scene with Party... The last words he said before leaving...

« Why do you care so much about me ? »

« I don't know... »

Why did he tell me that ? No, it can't be... I knew he didn't love me back but... He was so harsh about it ! He basically told me I was nothing ! He told me I didn't matter ! But I, did the mistake of not letting him know how I feel... What if I had ? What would have been his reaction ? Anger ? Sadness ? ... Happiness ?

« I love him ! » I almost shouted. We were in the middle of the night. I hope I didn't wake Jet. I facepalmed myself internally at how childish it sounded. What am I ? A teenager with a crush ? ... Well not that far from it...

I decided to get out of bed even though this was the time I should probably be sleeping at but, who's going to tell me to go to bed ? My mom is gone, so is my dad. And it certainly isn't going to be Jet who will tell me to rest. He already had a hard time, monitoring the area everyday to make sure the Dracs weren't coming back. Oddly enough, none of those hideous creatures returned after the incident that almost made me lose my life... I passed Jet's door hearing his silent snoring. It had been a routine for me this past few days, taking awalk at night around the gas station. The Killjoys warned me not to go outside when the moon was high in the sky but, nothing happened to me yet, why would it now ? I opened the front door as silently as I could. It made a noise but not loud enough to tear Jet from his slumber... And what if something happened ? Jet would report the others that I've gone missing and they would probably find me after a couple of weeks, lying dead on the grainy roads of California... What difference would it make ? He doesn't love me... Haha, here you go (Y/N)... It's the end of the world and there you are, complaining about your crush not having reciprocal feelings... What has my life become ?

« Oh, there you are ! » I felt my heart stop for asecond as I listened to the voice who emerged from the darkness. It certainly wasn't Jet's voice nor the one of any other Killjoys. I turned around, squinting my eyes to see through the obscurity that surrounded me and my mysterious visitor.

Detonation (Party Poison x reader)Where stories live. Discover now