Chapter 15 The Plan

Start from the beginning

"Yes, until death do you part? In the temple we marry for eternity."

"Were you and Eli married in the temple?"

"All of are, you can too after a year has passed."

"I will talk to James, it does appeal to me... Gosh look how big my little dragon is!"

"They grow fast," Elodia agreed. "I'm pleased you agreed to spend a few days with me too."

"We didn't want to wear out our welcome with Teddi," Adrianna laughed.

The next morning when they entered Sam's home he blushed and softly said, "Thank you, I don't know how to..."

"Sam, it was our pleasure to help, how's the house going?"

"I got the windows working, today I'll finish with the doors and start on the kitchen floor. You have some dry rot. I'll replace and bad wood in the other rooms too."

"You have done exceptional wood work in your home James," Kaitlyn said.

"We really didn't notice it until we scrubbed it," Adrianna added.

"Thank you," Sam repeated before leaving.

"When do you think we can move in?" Adrianna asked.

"Three or four more days," Sam stopped and turned to respond, "I want to check the chimney before you light a fire."

They had just finished dinner at Elodia's home when the other dragon riders arrived. "So you're getting ready to move in to your home?" Susan said.

"About four more days," Adrianna replied.

"We are all going to help you decorate!" Theodora said.

"And shop for furnishing," Maryann added "But the real reason we're here is to party. Happy birthday! Addie." They all started singing and Elodia brought out the cake with eighteen blazing candles. Ellie and Aliyah were first in line for cake.

"Thank you so much," Adrianna said as her eyed teared.

"David, Walter, Jacob (Susan's husband) and Eli (Elodia's husband) have been cranking the churn all day and we have ice cream." Elodia said.

"I've never had ice cream," Adrianna said.

"You can have blackberry and vanilla then," Eli said giving her two scoops.

As all the sisters departed Theodora put her arm around Adrianna, "Tomorrow we begin planning our adventure."

"Kay-Kay's here! Kay-Kay's here," Eryka spun around happily as she opened the door for Adrianna and Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn kissed Eryka and gave her a hug.

"I don't feel right charging you for my work," Sam said slowly looking from Adrianna to Kaitlyn.

"We have a bargain Sam Ewardson, and I'm holding you to it!" Kaitlyn said.


"But nothing, Sam, it's been our pleasure. Oh! Can we take the children with us today we're shopping for furnishings with our sisters?"

"Yes. Thank you again."

Later that day the six sisters, three little girls and two infants were seated at the Novi Inn for lunch. "Shopping is exhausting!" Adrianna said.

"It's a good thing the men were willing to watch the babies," Theodora said.

"We caused enough turmoil as it was," Kaitlyn added.

"I loved the material you showed me for the curtains Maryann," Adrianna said.

"Don't forget you are staying with me tonight," Maryann replied.

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