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"You know, I'm pretty sure there's a 24 hour waiting period before you call your one night stand," Demi said as she walked around barefoot in her hotel room. She was relaxing before she had to go to the venue to get ready for her concert and the guy that she had ended up sleeping with last night decided to call her.

"Don't call it that. And I'm pretty sure you don't make the rules of one night stands," he replied with a snort as Demi rolled her eyes and plopped down on the couch in front of the TV.

"What do you need Odell?" Demi asked, biting into one of the strawberries that she had picked out of the bowl on the table.

"I want to see you again," he seriously said as Demi furrowed her eyebrows. When she had left this morning, he didn't say anything about wanting to see her again. He didn't even mention it. All he did was comment on the night they had and told her to have a good concert.

"Oh really, why?" She asked, discarding the leaves of the strawberry before picking up another one.

"Because I had a very good time with you last night and I liked being with you. What's the harm in seeing each other again?" He asked as Demi sighed and sat up a little bit. The truth was, there was no harm in seeing each other again but Demi didn't want to see him again. At least not now. She couldn't be catching feelings for some guy she barely knew while she was on tour. Not to mention the fact that she just got out of a six year relationship and she wasn't even sure if she was ready to move on yet.

"Did you tell that to Khloe after you took her out too?" Demi hissed, and even though they weren't even together she couldn't help it. There had been rumors going around about Khloe and Odell and they had been bothering her. He explained the whole thing but it still stung a little bit. Even if she wasn't gonna put a label on what they were, she didn't want him talking to or messing around with any other females.

"I thought we talked about that last night baby?" The way he said 'baby' sent shivers down her spine and she tried to suppress her smile because he'd be able to hear it in her voice.

"We did. But I just thought we were having fun. You know I'm not looking for anything serious."

"And we were. And we still can. So I want to see you again and you can come up with every excuse in the book as to why we shouldn't see each other again, but it's going to happen anyways," Odell said and just from the tone of his voice Demi could tell that he was smirking.

"Whatever you say Odell. Whatever you say," she said before hanging up and going to get ready to leave.

"Hey Dems, there's someone in your dressing room," Natalie said as soon as Demi was off stage. It was Nick's turn and she had at least fifteen minutes for a quick change and to calm herself down before she had to get back on stage.

"Who?" Demi asked but Natalie just shrugged and walked ahead of her to her dressing room. Since when did they allow people that they didn't know to just pop up in her dressing room? Where was Max when you actually needed him?

"Natalie I...Odell?" Demi wasn't expecting to see him sitting on the couch in her dressing room with a bouquet of red roses in his hands. She couldn't believe that he remembered that she thought the most romantic gift ever was twelve long stem classic red roses.

"I told you I would see you again," he said as Demi shook her head and walked into his arms. She had to be back on stage but she wanted to just stop the world and live in this moment.

"I didn't think you were serious...or that it'd be so soon. I didn't even know you listened to my music," she said as he chuckled and took her hand.

"You put on a good show...and you look good too." He held her hand up as she twirled in a slow circle for him before stopping to gently peck his lips.

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