Chapter 9

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Destiny POV

Through out the ride it was silent but I didn't matter.

The car came to a stop in front of a huge store from the sight of it I could tell it was a expensive store but why would he bring me here I am a completely stranger why would he care?, he is just being nice to me.
I felt his hands squeeze mine and drag me inside . His hands send electric shock through my body I wonder if he felt it too. 

Anyways a middle age woman  greet us she is a sight, her body look perfect she look like a model ,she is  beautiful.

"Hello Mr. Velastro  what can I do for you and this beautiful young lady?"

"Just fix her up nice and here is my credit card just work your magic on her. "

OMG! This guy is seriously got to stop.

"A..m I told you it's fine just let -

"Enough with that baby just stay here I am going to get you something to eat can you please let Ashley do her job for me baby girl till daddy is back? "

"Huh?....wait a min-." He is gone by I could finish.
This guy is full of himself... Ahhhh

The lady I now know is Ashley began to talk none stop I don't even hear what she was saying while she grab some more people with her.

This is gonna be a long day.

Finally I was out of that hell hole place waiting for him  in my new pink tank top with a white  high waist shorts and a pink Jordan I must say I look hot.

"Hey,ready?" He asked while paying Ashley and handing me the food he bought,  I am famished.

"Yes I am ready ."

"You look hot, he Compliment me and walk over to Ashley.
I know I am
hot geez.
" thanks Ashley and send the rest OK."

"Sure thing sir"

We went out of the store and head down a  street it didn't look like the way we came, but I didn't plan on asking I some how trust him even after what he did.
We pull up at a hair salon and same way we got greet but this time its a young girl her light brown hair make my brown hair look like a dry desert.
She is beautiful, especially when she simile.

"Caine !" She ran and hugged him
Wait a minute she is on first name basic, maybe she is a fling.

Are you getting jealous?
Stop lying destiny.
I am not .

Great now I am talking to myself.

"Hi, Sheree what's up ? He greet her back.

(Sheree in the media)

Oh so her name is Sheree. What is wrong with me.

"I am OK,  is that your girlfriend? You are finally settling down."

"Haha , no just a friend. "

Ouch... that kinda hurt,  but what else did I expect him to say... I just met him and beside he wouldn't want me who is full of cuts.  I can bet his type is Victoria serect models and not miss homeless.

"Hi,  I am Sheree nice to meet you. "

"Pleasure is mine,my name is Destiny. "

"Awww !  I love her ! Come on in."

"I know you would,  I will be back just take care of her and remember that thing OK." He answer winking at her.

"Yes, yes... bye. " she replied hugging him again I am jealous right now. Wait am i crazy ?

I cant be jealous because i am nothing to him than a homeless person i bet he don't even want to look at me that's why he is doing all this ,I look bad.

We aren't anything but I like him I wonder what thing they are talking about, what if it is sex? 
I don't care anyways.

"Come on,  we got a lot to do , you know are the first woman he  bought  here other than his sister you must mean a lot to him. "

I have to laugh," no, we aren't even dating,  I just met him two days ago."

"Sweet heart please take good care of him,  he loves you."

I never thought I would hear those words,  how could a man like that love me , I am no super model or  anything I am a normal ,broke and empty  girl.

"Darling give him time,  OK."

" Give who time?  " he is back quick

"No one particular, just giving destiny here a little advice. " Sheree answer looking embarrass. Why would she be embrassed?

He only nod. 

No one speak until Sheree tell me to turn , I nearly drop down at the girl staring at me , sheree did a  pretty well job,  I love it. I can't tell when last my hair look this smooth,my dark brown hair have a little wave at the end all my split ends are gone  it is beautiful,  I need to pay back Caine.

We say our goodbyes and head to the car.

The drive back to the mansion is very silent only the engine could be heard.
I break the silence, "umm..caine.. I don't know how I can pay you back for everything you done for me."

"Look here, baby girl you don't have to pay me back all you got to do is stay with me is that OK?"

I am speechless right now,  he want me to stay. Me of all person!

"Yow! Destiny? "

"OK,  I will stay." I answered while holding down my head to hide the slightly blush on my cheeks but I guess he saw because he smile at me and I don't mean fake I mean a real smile.   And look ahead.
Now and then I steal glances at him, he is handsome ,he could be a perfect husband.

Did I just say that?
Yes stupid, you did!

I got catch up cursing with my mind I didn't notice we reach back , they were  some more expensive cars park in the drive way , I wonder what is going on because I never meet any one more than his friend Ethan and the Butler, maids and some guards.

He step out of the car and open my side and held his hand out with his face glooming , such a gentleman I hesitant at first then put my hand in his and walk up to the front door.

He couldn't even open before a African black girl struggle him with hugs and asking all kind of questions. I stood there feeling like fish out of water when finally a girl spoke to me
"Hi who are you?" The black girl ask me
"She's my friend,  Destiny meet Britney, Britney..Destiny." he answer for me how rude.
"Nice to meet you,   come on in.  She step aside and we walk in with her hot on our trail.

I wonder who these people are?  Maybe they are his friends.
Yes I definitely think they are friends.

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