Chapter 5

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Notice: I apologize for using the 'N'  word as it offend you guys. I accept comments but the rude ones are unacceptable. For those wondering if i am of colour , it dosen't matter who you are in this world we are all equal  but then again that dosen't give me the right to use the word anyway. This book ain't perfect but you guys keep on supporting it and i appreciate it.  Now that is out of the way.
I hope you all continue to enjoy my works.

There he was right in front of me with cold eyes staring right through me. He had a bottle of beer in his right hand, you could smell his stinking breath from a mile away.
I know I was going to get hit because that is his daily routine after work.
He slapped me across my back with the heavy rope. He now raised his right hand and smashed the beer in my neck and darkness engulfing me in a pool of misery. I felt my eyelids closing and darkness surround me completely .

I got up with sweat on my forehead only to find that it is just a dream or more of a memory . I rub the scar at the back of my neck where he hit me that night. I tore away from my thoughts and took in my surroundings I am not in my hotel room or I am in my old house with that monster, I am in a fancy room. It is paint in white with gold sheets and a big white rug on the floor it is beautiful.

I continue taking in my surrounding and trying to remember what happen, tears flow down my cheeks as I remember been chased by that monster and running into someone. I continue looking ,it look like a billionaire room I wonder what I am doing in here then I remember what happen fully I am in his room! And I am not even in my clothes! What happen last night? What is this for me?

I heard a shower turn off that means the person who is in there is about to come out, just like the devil hear me

The bathroom door flew open and out step a muscular hunk I cant make out his face that much because the place is foggy but it was gone in a second in front of me is the most attractive man,
I remember he saved me from my father I let out a breath of relief but caught off guard when he start taking small steps towards me in nothing but towel. My breathing become frantic .
My eyes went to his shoulders, his right arm have tattoos all over his black hair flow back with water droplets falling from it, he lick his lips in slow motion.

oh how I want to kiss that lip. what's wrong with me.
I snapped out of it and averted my eyes to his face I can't take in the sight no more .
He look like a model who just hit the runway ,he have 8 packs and abs a day, I shift uncomfortable in the bed while looking at my lap I hope he didn't just caught me checking him out.

This is not me I am not a bold person to be checking out a guy I never even had a boyfriend or a actual friend because I was lock up in my room actually my whole life from mom pass away. Those memory just can't leave my mind they bring tears to my eyes oh how I hate crying .

"Are you ok? " I heard a familiar voice I look up at the man his eyes are beautiful like the ocean I could lost in them all day.

I just nodded because I didn't want him my smell my morning breath.

"Are you hungry? "

My untrained stomach did have to answer with a loud grumble

He just nod."I think you would be anyways com' on ."

"Wait! ,where am I? " I stop him before he head for the closet door, "And what's your name? " I asked .

" Firstly your in my house and my name is Caine velastro ." he answered searching the closet which I might add is freaking huge.

Wait a minute did he say...OMG! I am totally in deep shit .My dad usually talk about this name before  . I once collect a package from the store with that name I wonder if he is actually a set up... Oh my I am going to die!

"Don't worry , I know you heard a lot of stories about me I am very popular around here." What does he even mean by popular?  Is he the president?  I think I am losing it.  He is dress by now in his sweatpants and no shirt, I don't know how I am going to live out this morning with this man in the house.

"Com' on I will show you around. " he speak not even looking at me. I feel like shit.

He show me the bathroom which is also very huge , he lend me one of his shirt , his manly scent is all over it I wish I could stay in it forever it makes me feel protected. Oh please shut up. I cursed my inner self

I head down to the massive staircase this place is huge. I smell the aroma from there I follow the scent and it lead Me to a beautiful kitchen memory of my mom flash back I really miss her but right now I think I should get eating cause I am starving and I will soon be out of here.
Don't call Me new coolie but I never got out much because of that idiot man .

There is food all over my eyes couldn't stop but the thing that caught my eye the most is the pancakes. I love pancakes!

"Don't just stare at it, you can sit. "

I spin around to see the same man from the coffee shop who look like a bodyguard leaning at the door with a cup in his hands.

"I 'm s..o..rry, I didn't know u were there. " I stammered from fright

"it's OK , I am Ethan nice to meet you. "
"I am destiny, nice to meet you too. " I shake his hand.

"What's going on?" I turn around to see the god himself.

"what's up man? " the guy name Ethan greet Caine .
"Am good Just telling her how the day is beautiful.

Oh really,I mentally said.

He nod and said, "let's eat shall we?"

I walk over to the table I am so hungry right now but I can't devour everything with them staring at me. I slowly eat although I just want to grab it with my hands I might sound greedy but I never got to eat and it's two day and I don't eat. I am just finishing off and ready to tell this man thank you.

"So sweetheart  I'm going to ask you some questions and I need you to answer me, do I make myself clear?" His eyes look black and cold they weren't green and it's kinda freaking me out .

"I need to go , thanks for everything," I replied  biting on my bottom lip and moving from the table. What could he want to know I really wasn't ready to tell my life story to this stranger .

" So aren't you going to answer or you are going to be running like the other night, what are you a Hooker or a spy?, do you do drugs? you steal something bitch! " he asked loudly.
I turned and look at him, is he bipolar one minute he is nice next he is mean I believe he was sweet guess you cant trust a man. His friend leave the room looking at me . I hang my head down, I don't wrong him I am exactly what he said expect I didn't steal anything, he remind me of my previous life. I stared at the marble tile with hot tears forming in my eyes.

"So are you ready to talk or Cat got your tongue?" He shout at me again.

I ran out of the dining room and up the stairs I can't take it no more the insults from him it only remind me of my past life and I need to move on. I grab my purse and put on my own clothes and walk out he is such a jerk!

I mean you should see the guy house he is pretty loaded I love it. But I can't stay with this man he is freaking mad  and my life is already fuck up so why add more?

I am currently on a bus I don't know what to do I need to find the hotel and get a job and put everything behind me even that asshole. Finally I reach the hotel and signed in. Hopefully the pig isn't here checking her big overgrown nails.

I am tired and I know this is time for me to find a permanent place to live or else I am on the streets. I fell asleep thinking about how my life is so fuck up.


A/N:   I know the chapters are a bit short but please bear with me ,
This is my first story.

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