Chapter Twenty Three.

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The roar was distant and your back snapped in shape as you sprinted to meet up with the Bruces other half. You found him sprinting straight for the facility grounds and so with a boost from a tree you jumped onto his shoulders.
You were one of few who were able to get along with the Hulk and have him call you a 'friend'.

"Lets go!" You ordered and with a roar he broke out of the trees and into the battleground.

You could see the side smirks everyone held as you summer saulted of the big guys shoulder. Wind held your body up as you closed your eyes and focused on the facility building. That was the thing that was stemming the confidence in the Hydra agents around, their work and labs still stood. Not for long.

Snapping your eyes open you brought your arms up and as you did two waves of fire from left and right slammed onto the building. It blew up in flames instantly and as the Hydra followers turned and stared your Team took this as an advantage.
They took out a greater amount of the opposing side before you and Wanda delivered the final blow. You acted first, bringing all of your team into the air using your wind powers before gripping Wandas hand.

"Ready?" You asked and she nodded as a reply before a surge of power ran through both of your veins.

Fire mingled with her red tendrils as she encased the remaining opponents and you burned them alive. When everything had died down and all that remained was charred ash, you all descended back to the floor.

"Tasha go give Banner his lullaby" you ordered as he ran into the forest to destroy more things.

She nodded before quickly tossing you the flashdrive and running after the Hulk. You and Wanda scanned over the damage dealt before nodding to each other and restoring the scene as if Hydra and the facility had never been there. It was now just grass and a flowing stream.

"How long have you both been working on that?" Steve asked as he eyed the scene in wonder.

"A couple weeks. We knew our powers would benefit each other one way or another and this was just one of things we found." Wanda replied as you shared a soft smile.

"Poor pietro was a our test subject though" you grinnned before pulling him into a small side hug.

"I hate you" he sulked out and you and Wanda just giggled before peppering him with thanks and appreciation.

'Were on the quinjet, now haul ass'

'Such colourful words Agent Romanoff' you praised in a prissy tone and as she scoffed, you all headed back to ths jet.

Clint sat in the cockpit with you even though the quinjet was flying automatically. Your chair was facing him as you had a cotton ball soaked in alcohol at the ready. You leaned foward and with a look of warning you dabbed it onto the gash above the archer right brow. You muttered a 'sorry' everytime he hissed.

"Okay. Im gonna start stitching now" you informed before alligning the neddle and beginning to stitch.

Your mind wandered back to the time you recieved the scar atop of your brow but you knew that Clints wouldn't scar.

"Ya know, i dont mind getting injuries like this everytime just so we can be close" Clint drew out lowly and as you tugged on the needle he shrieked like a girl.

"Regret your words now?" You smirked as you packed up the medical equipment used.

"No" he mumbled and in one swift motion your back was pressed against his chest and his arms was wrapped around your waist. His face was nuzzled into the crook of your neck and his breathes sent shudders down your frame.

"Why not?" You breathed out.

"Because, then I can thank you by doing this"

He flipped you around and ducked his head to capture your lips with his own. His hands rested on your hips and your arms on his shoulders as you shared the sweet, passionate moment before breaking for air. You tapped his chest and pecked a sweet kiss on his cheek before heading over to the others and seeing who needed any medical attention alongside Bruce.

You sat infront of Tony, an ice pack wrapped in a cloth in your hand as you held it against his black eye. You had dressed his other cuts with band aids and wrapped his burnt arm in bandages after applying cream.

"Thanks babe" he winked and you just rolled your eyes.

"Your welcome...Tin Man"

He narrowed his eyes at you in a playful manner before his eyes widened in realisation. Scrambling around, he felt around for something without moving until his hands clasped onto something at the back of him and he pulled it to his front. You cast your gaze to his hand. In his grasp was a dagger. But not any old dagger, the dagger you had designed weeks back in Bruces lab when you were on strict rest. Your mouth dropped and your eyes widned as he gestured for you to take it.

You gingerly took it into your hands, inspecting its crystal material as it shone in the light. You slid it into the sheath Stark handed you before tackling him into a hug.

"Thank you!"

"Any...time...Doll" he choked out since you were practically strangling him before you released him and readied to leave the quinjet. Walking out though, your gaze landed on the Director straight away. That was weird. He would always call the Team to meet in the Conference room, he would never come out to meet the team on the outside grounds.

"I know you have all just returned but Im afraid that there is big matters to deal with...and Y/n lies in the center of it"

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