Chapter Four.

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After your little run in with the two super soldier Grandpas you cooped yourself up once more. Having no reason to leave and so opting to have various disney, Supernatural, Big Bang theory and other marathons. You were sure you would have a case of square eye after it all.

So with a blanket wrapped around your frame, a bag of marshmellows in hand you settled down to watch Finding nemo until there was a knock at the door.

'Probably the landlord asking for this months money' you thought as you pulled yourself up and headed to the door.

Swinging the oak wood door open you were surely shocked at who stood before you. Bruce Banner A.K.A The Hulk. You had known him from running into him when taking out the same Hydra facility and working together to take it down before you helped him with the big guy. The both of you ran into each other fairly often when he was on missions and you were scouting out something to do.
In the end you had formed a friendship, which you very rarely liked to admit but it was true.

"Bruce....what are you doing here?" You played it sweet and innocent, as if you didnt know the whole of the Avengers were hunting you out.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Uh, sure" you replied hesitantly before plastering a smile on your face as the doctore walked in.

"So Im pretty much sure you know that the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D are searching you out?" He started, pushing his glasses further onto his face as he spoke.

"Yeah, but you know I dont work well with Teams...I mean you know what happened to the last partner I had that you met!" You huffed out, arms crossed across your chest as you looked the scientist up and down.

"Yes, but Y/n this team is different. Were all strong enough to handle you and Nick strongly believes that what Tony said was true. You would be an amazing asset to the team" he replied, eyes staring into yours as if he was searching your souls.

"I should have never shown myself that day, I should have just let them flames kill me. Not like they could, worst they could do was give me minor burns" you mummbled to yourself as Banner impatienly tapped his finger on your oak table.

"Well?" He questioned after a long peroid of silence filled with you thinking.

"Do I have to befriend these 'people'?" You questioned, nose turnt up at the thought working and bonding with other people. Bruce was a lucky exception.

"No, but you will be working and living with them so it would be advised that you are atleast civil" he stressed the final word with a soft glare that you hummed at.

"I can live with them hating me, Im perfectly fine being an outcast and alone" you huffed.

"So you aggree?"

"Yeah, just lemme get dressed"

And with that you left for your other room to quickly change. Now in Black skinny shredded jeans, grey loose stomach top and black heeled ankle boots you finished the look with a red anulet choker and your hair left down. Walking out of your room with your phone in your back jean pocket you grabbed your keys and locked up as you and Bruce Left.

The two of you walked down the streets in a comfortable silence. Banner was just interested in returning to the tower but you were focusing on the murmurs that travelled around citizens as they eyed you.

Once arriving at the Avengers tower the two of you entered and Banner greeted the woman at the desk.

"Tell Stark to gather everyone in the main room, I have a guest"

She nodded quickly and you just narrowed your eyes at her before follwoing the Dr to the elevator. Pressing the button to the top floor you held an unamused look on your face as you stared at Bruce. When hearing the 'ding' the doors shifted open and Bruce walked out fitst having people greet him as he went and sat down.

Then there was you. You walked out of the elevator, a blank look on your face as youe heels clicked against the polished laminate flooring. All eyes instantly moved to you as you stood just a few meteres away from the Avengers. Silence filled the air as you stood confidently before them.

"L/n, Y/n L/n"

"Ignore that interview, I think she did steal my heart" Tony finaly said, breaking the long line of silence that came after your introduction and you only smirked in amusement at his words.

"Would you not hit on her? How rude can you get? For all you know she can be taken and get her boyfriend to deck you one" Nat scolded.

"Or I could be possible of snapping your neck, chose your pick kitten" you winked flirtasiously.

"So your taken?" Clint questioned with just made you scoff.

"Ha, please! No man can hold me down, they say im to much to handle. Especially my attitude"

"Give me a week and I will have you calling me master" Tony winked, glass of alcohol in hand as he leaned against the arm of one of his chairs.

"I'll give you an hour before you call me Queen" you bantered back, biting your lip with a wink before Nat stood and wrapped her arm around your shoulder.

"I like you, shows them that its not only me that can now put them in their place" she winked before handing you a bottle of whisky that you gladly accepted before she took her seat back beside Banner and Clint.

"Why not princess?" He retaliated and you smirked with a flip of your hair before replying.

"I aint no princess I dont need saving, Im a Queen, I got this shit handled" you boasted out and Nat toasted to your words that you gave a smirk at.

"Feisty, I like it" Tony complimented before raising his glass in a toast to you.

"To bad you cant have 'it'"

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