Chapter Sixteen.

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-F/n=Father's name
-M/n=Mother's name

Tears stained your red cheeks as you nestled your face into the archers side, his arms wrappped tightly around your waist as you focused on calming down. You inhaled and exhaled Clints scent of coffee and fresh air that calmed you greatly. Now all that was left as evidence from your breakdown was Hawkeyes tear stained shirt and your shaking frame aswell as your puffy, red eyes.

"Im sorry" you croaked, head nuzzling into his side as to hide away.

"You dont need to apologise, do you want to talk about it?" He spoke softly, not wanting to scare you at seeing how sensitive you were at the moment in time.

"I feel like im drowning, but I can see everyone around me breathing. They say to follow your heart but what about when your hearts in a million pieces? What piece do you follow?"

Your words made Clints heart twist in pity and sadness. He pulled you closer before mumbling a reply into your hair.

"Even broken crayons can colour"

Your eyes widened at this, heart skipping a beat as you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck.
Your forheads were touching as your eye lids began to heavily droop. A small smile made it's way onto your face before you gently pecked a small kiss on his lips.

"Thank you" you whispered before falling asleep on his chest.

~Hours later~

You awoke to find your head on a sleeping Clint on the couch in the main room with a blanket draped over the two of you. Shifting as to not wake him, you got of the couch and padded silently out of the room.

"Hey J? Nearest empty room?" You whispered to the A.I, keeping in mind that it was now 3:00am. You just wanted to be somewhere alone for awhile.

"The music room is located closest Miss L/n, furthest corridor to your left and the end room with double doors"

"Thanks J"

"My pleasure Miss"

You set of in the direction the A.I system described, walking on your tip toes so not to wake the sleeping team.
Coming to the double doors, you softly opened them as to try and muffle the creaks that emitted from them. Shuffling inside you marvelled at the sight of the room before you.

Seats made from the finest leathers were in many rows and filled about half of the massive room. The other half was filled with a simple yet gorgeous, varnished, pine stage, and in the middle of that stage sat a grand, slick piano.

You stalked over to it, steps weary as you sat on the bench. Fingers twitching and itching to play as you pressed one of the keys. You had learnt how to play of your Mother before she was something you both always bonded over.

You werent always this cold person. You had a loving family, somewhere to return to when all else was lost...a place to call a home. You lost all that when your so called gift was discovered.


Young Y/n was playing in the garden of her small home, the sun beaming on a warm sunmers eve. Her mother was inside fixing up supper and her Father was sat at the doorstep ocassionly looking up from his newspaper and smiling at seeing her play with glee. The soft green grass ticked beneath her as she coloured and played with her dolls.

"Y/n! Supper is ready!" Her mother called and at this she darted up, nearly tumbling over her own feet at the force of momentum.

Bounding towards the entrance of the door she never really made it as the wind began to pick up around her, the grass and trees began to violently shake and her bones felt like fire. The water in glasses on the patio table was lifted into the air as bubbles and all she could do was scream. Her parents watched in horror as four signs of the elements embelished into the little girls forehead before instantly disappearing as fast as they came.

The screams only grew and grew as they ripped from her throat. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her hair and loose clothing fluttered.

"F/n! Do something!" Her mother cried, hands clinging onto husbands shirt as she eyed her daughter in terror.

"I can't!" He hissed, face full of anger and fear for what was happening to his daughter.

Y/n was the work of both two facilities, one known as S.H.I.E.L.D and the other known as HYDRA. Her mother working for Hydra and her Father working for S.H.I.E.L.D, despite their work places differednces they fell madly in love. What was happening right now was what they both believed to be their work of testing and experimenting but they were both dead wrong.

Y/n was blessed by Mother Nature herself.

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