Chapter Nineteen.

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You had been on edge since that day, staying cooped up in your room and only coming out when it was absolutely necessary. You wouldn't even let Clint or Bruce see you. Today however you decided to head to the practise room solely built for yours and Wanda's powers.

Your black knee high boots clicked against the floors as you creapt about the tower before heading into the empty practise room that you were greatful for.

The room was completely empty but massive, designed for power control and such. So you centered yourself in the middle, eyes closed as a surge of wind picked up around you. You didng release it just yet, wanting to see how long you could hold it until your breathes shortened and you no longer had the power to hold it.

Opening your eyes, you twirled your arms about as water encased them in waves. Mixing fire into the water element, you released them into the air. Watching as they waved about the room you jumped in suprise when someone called out to you from the door.

"Hey sweetheart, finally decided to show ya face?"

You shifted your body to see who it was,praying it wasnt Clint or Tony and inwardly sighing when seeing Sam.

"Yeah, hows my favourite cup of hot chocolate doing?" You grinned as you moved to give him a hug. You had bonded alot with Sam since joining the Team for good, finding that your personalities clashed well.

"Fine, but more importantly are you okay?"

You shrugged.
"Eh, got a lot on my mind recently so I've distanced myself"

"Tony?" He questioned whilst raising his eye brow.

You crinkled your nose in confusion, wondering how he knew. And so he spoke on.

"I saw, and besides I can see why the guy did what he did. I mean near to all guys in the tower would if they had the chance"

You had a look on your face that told San to carry on so he did.

"I know you have heard those rumours! And whose to say they arent true? Barton, Stark and me have already fallen for you! Are you checking us of a list one by one once you've won us over?!" He exclaimed, arms in the air in annoyance.

You stood still, completely shocked. He had just confessed to you, even if he hadn't realised it...he had.

So at this he slowly stalked over to you, eye clouding over as he stared down at you. You too scared to move. His gaze flittering between your eyes and your lips as he held a look of contemplation on his face. Ducking his head lower to yours, you felt his breath on your cheek as his lips softly grazed over yours. He went to make contact but he suddenly drew back. Covering his flustered face with his hand as he shook his head and headed for the door.

Before leaving though he turned to look at you and spoke.

"You're going to be the end of us Y/n"

And with that you were left on your own. Heart racing and thoughts running through your head.

It just wasnt fair.

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