Chapter Five

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"So Bruce, care to explain how you knew where to find Y/n and how you got her to come here?" Sam questioned, twilring his bottle in his hand.

"He knew me from a mission to take down a Hydra Facility, I helped him in retrieving the files he needed then taking down the building before I calmed greenie. After that we just kept running into eachother" you explained before sticking your tongue out at Bruce who just rolled his eyes.

"So your powers? Tony says you can control fire, is that true?" Steve questioned.

"Yes" you relplied bluntly. "And if didnt have the powers Tony would have watched me die because he wanted the satisfaction of me saying I needes his help" you added with a huff.

Just then two more people walked in and you instantly recognised the female. Wanda. She was the one who had attacked you when you were taking out a Hydra facilty and inflicted a wound so deep on your right side that it scarred. You face turned sour, a feeling so bitter settling inside you that you wouldnt be suprised if your heart turned black.

Her eyes widened in suprised as they landed on you before she bit her lip in regret. She felt remorse? But did you care? Nope! You wanted her to pay.

"So now what? Slice my other side because Im here in your precious tower?" You questioned, sarcasm painfully evident as she cringed and you pursed your lips.

Before she could even get the chance to move or speak you created a fireball in your hand. Launching at her as shouts of protest came from the others, Wanda quickly deflected it and sent a wave of her magic towards you. You simply dodge by tucking and rolling beneath it, now by Wanda you swiped her legs from beneath her and went to grab her arms to drag her down as she faltered. However, another body at the speed of light stood between you both but you were in no gaming mood.

So as quick the man ran you wrapped your legs around his and tripped him, sending him flying to the floor and from the shout from Wanda you realised it was her brother. In one swift motion after knocking her brother down you went for her. Hands around her neck as the fire licked at your shoulders and slowly crawled towards her body.

"Stop it!" Steve ordered but his words fell on death ears, you knew you were going to get your pay back sooner or later and you wanted it to be sooner.

"STOP THIS LADY Y/N!" Thor boomed and even his loud words didnt register in your head.

Wanda wriggled in your grip, her brother staring to shocked to move as the flames were inches away from her.

"Y/n...stop this" a calm voice called out and you knew whose it was exactly, of course you would, it was the only one that registered in your mind. Bruce.

You dropped the Scarlet witch to the floor instantly, eyes void of emotion as you stared down at her coughing frame that was now held by her brother.

"Karma will be a bitch with you" you spat out, referring to yourself before leaving the room only for Nat to follow you.

"What was that all about?" Nat questioned, jogging up to your side as you stormedd through the corrirdors.

"It was nothing!" You snapped and just like that with the apppearance of Wanda you withdrew your 'sweet' act and put up your cold, steel walls once more.

"Y/n?" Nat pried further, confused at your moods complete turn around.

"I will be in the Gym" you stated coldy as Tonys A.I guided you to the training room.

Now in the empty training room you poised yourself infront of a punching bag, breathing steady as you jabbed at the bag before raising the power of your punches. The only sound was your ragged breathes and the shaking of the chain that held the bag up as you threw everything you had at it.

'She will be the one to take down the Avengers'

You launched a punch so filled with fear and anger that it knocked the bag across the room. It landing with a 'puff' as you took a breather.

"Fire powers and sheer power? Seems I have made the right choice in recruiting you"

You turned your head, a man clad in black and an eyepatch stood by the door. His arms crossed over his chest as his one good eye scanned you over.

"Director Fury I presume?"

"Thats me and I would say its a pleasure to meet you but now that I have another brat to look over its not really a pleasure" he huffed out to which you just smirked at.

He advanced towards you, looking you over once more.


"Excuse me?"

"Your codename, Ignis" he repeated to which you just nodded at.
"Tony will sort you a suit out, until then Agent L/n"

And with that he was gone. You just stood still for awhile, processing what he had said until returning to your room that JARVIS had informed you of and directed to.

So locking the door behind you, you dropped onto your bed with an 'oomph' as you buried your face into your pillow. Your hands grazed over the scar running from the top of your ribcage to the height of just above your belly button.

You huffed once more, your eyes growing heavier and heavier as sleep evaded them until you finally landed into a slumber.

And that was how your first day at the tower had gone.

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