Chapter Twelve.

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You awoke with a groan, finding yourself in your dark room as you slowly pulled yourself up. Stretching slightly, you cringed as a numb pain shot through your stomach and up your back. Cimbing out of your bed you padded into your bathroom and looked in the mirror. Lifting your tank top slightly, you found an ugly purple and blue hued bruise dyeing your skin on your stomach and all the way up your back. You breathed out a a shaky breath before taking your top of putting a more concealing shirt on.

They musnt have known about the damage dealt to you after practise. So, hesitantly you slipped out of your room in search for food. Bouding down the corridor, you entered the kitchen and took out a pot of f/f ice cream. Digging a spoon into the froze goodness, you began to munch away.

"Hey Y/n! Hows it going?" Tony greeted, a friendly slap to your back that made you shudder in pain and bite back a pained cry. Something that Tony did not miss.

"H-Hey Tony" you stuttered out, trying to act casual.

"What was that?" He questioned your strange behaviour.

"What was what?" You played it off, acting like you didnt know what he was talking about.

"Dont give me that bullshit Y/n" he growled before forcefully grabbing your arms and pulling your shirt up slightly.

At seeing the bruise on your stomach that snaked around and up your back he gave you a pissed look just as the others entered.

"Woah Tony! The bedroom, not here" Clint laughed out but when seeing the bruises his smile fell.

"Is that what Cap and Buck did?" Nat asked as she waked towards you fo further inspect the colouring on your skin.

"It's no big deal" you shrugged, not liking the attention they were giving you.

"You need to get that seen to, and if its not started healing by Friday then your not going on that mission" Tony stated to which they all aggreed too.

"But..." you were cut short.

"Dont argue with Stark on this Y/n, me and Buck are sorry for the damage but you need to get that seen too" Cap intervened and that was when you just gave up on arguing back.

Just at that moment Bruce walked in and when seeing your bruises he walked out the rentered with an ice pack and bandages along with pain relief tablets. Holding the ice pack to your stomach and Sam holding one to your back, Bruce worked on bandaging you up. Once all done you took two pain relief tablets before thanking the Doctor.

"Days rest" he ordered before heading back to the lab with Tony who gave you a stern look before grinning softly.

You just huffed in irritation before plopping onto the couch with your near forgotten ice cream and flicked through the channels on T.V.
Nat and Wanda soon joined you and not long after all three of you were sprawled about the couch watching chick-flick and Disney movies with tons of food and snacks all about.

Clint and Pietro had walked just as Frozen was coming on and joined the three of in watching the two princess sisters conquer with love. Somehow you had your head leaning on Clints shoulder and your legs draped across Pietros as Wanda leaned on him and Nat was on the other side of Clint with her legs draped across his. You were highly amused when you caught Clint singing 'Let it go' and Pietro singing 'love in an open door'. You, Nat and Wanda however showed them all how it was done when 'Aladdin' came on and you were all singing 'one jump ahead' which the two guys couldnt help but fine cute.
Three kickass female fighters huddled on a couch singing Disney...that was totally normal...

After a full movie marathon, everyone ordered out to which lead to fun in the main room as you all gathered round.

"Im serious, he was like 'oh I can land her anyday' and I was like 'yeah okay, wing boy'. I swear You think you can land anybody you lay eyes on" Nat rambled on to Sam and Tony as everyone listened in intently.

Your attention however strayed elsewhere as you swear you saw a black figure standing outside one of the windows of the floor you were all on. You opened and closed your eyes as to check if it was a figure of your imagination but when its head titled and you could see the dark grin on his face from beneath his black hoodie you panicked. Everyone else was to loud and absorbed to hear your subtle calls or see the figure as you hastily kept your gaze on him.

That all changed though when he dropped and all that was left in his place was a blinking red light.

A bomb.

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