Chapter Ten.

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~I changed the readers codename from Destroyer to Lux which means 'light' in latin~

It had been two weeks since your escape at S.H.I.E.L.D and you were constantly on the run. So far you had been lucky and hadn't ran into any Avengers as you took your escape to France. Yep, France. You had stolen one of Hydras jets that they had brought to New York and flew there immediatly.

Unbeknownst to you though that they were slowly closing in on you and soon your ultimate mission would come to an end.

So now you just walked through the packed streets of Paris,hips swaying and boots clicking as you listened to music through your headphones. Your black skinny jeans did wonders on your legs and a blue and white dip dyed tank top went well with your hair, finishing the look with a white hoodie and white designed doc martens. You had put your hair into loose beach curls and pulled it up into a high pony tail.

People stared and fawned as you travelled aimlessly down the streets, breathing in the scent of greenery as you set of down a park path. A soft smile slipped onto your face at the sight of young children and families playing together...something you never had the chance to do. Letting out a long sigh, your shoulders slumped as you released built up stress and tension. This was the first day since being dragged into that Tower you had chance to relax.

You watched the people in content until a cry was heard not to far away. Turning your head you found a little girl, tears welling in her eyes as two young boys stomped and jumped on the flower she had not to long ago picked. Walking over you flicked the two boys foreheads before grabbing their ears and scolding them.
The two whimpered before scampering of and you now looked to the one gorgeous now beaten flowers.
Knealing down, your hand hovered over them before their colour returned and they were one more healthy. Taking the bunch in your hands, you handed them to the now starstruck, shocked child.

"Here ya go Sweetie"

She took the bunch greatfully but not before handing you a white lilly in gratitide and scampering off to her mother. Smiling as you placed the flower in your hair held by the hair tie you froze when a noise of someone clearing their throat behind you sounded.
Shifting almost robotic like your eyes landed on Clint and Natasha.


"Y/n L/n you are to come with us" Clint ordered, his face cold as he stared you down just like Tasha.

"Thats my cover blown"

~At the Tower~

You sat in one of the seats at the conference table, all the other Avengers sat around and all waiting for Fury to come in. You were really calm and collected which put the Team all on edge and the two assassins were still skeptical on why you went with them so easily. However, before anyone could speak Fury enters the room. Standing at the front of the room he looked over everyone before stopping on you.

"Agent L/n, please stand"

You followed his order straight away, two fingers to your head in a lazy salute as he smirked.

"Your years worth Mission is over"

You smirked at this, a feeling of accomplishment washing over you as you bowed your head as to accept.

"Fury...what you talking about?" Tony laughed nervously, confused on what was happening just like the rest of them.

"Agent L/n was sent on an undercover mission years back and thats what all this was, an act. She earned Hydras trust by attacking us and she kept our trust by discreetly taking out facility after facility. She was sent in to gather as much intel as she could on their mutants they had recruited."

"Okay well what about all that 'Ignis' shit and stuff like that?" Tony exclaimed, not buying this explanation at all.

"I knew you would snoop with JARVIS and all so me and Nick staged it, it was double bladed acting you could say" you shrugged casually.

"So what her proper codename?"

"Lux" you nodded proudly.

"Our best double Agent and assasin, now an Avenger" Nick announced to the groups shock.

"Welcome aboard...Lux" They all greeted to which you just grinned at.

"You have your first mission this weekend coming up, so you have a week to settle in and train before your head out. Dismissed"

At that you all filed out and headed to the top floor, there you all settled and got drinks. You sat on the couch next to Bruce, apologising for decieving him but explaining it was for a good cause to which he aggreed with and accepted.

"Agent L/n?"

Your hummed in response before turbing to look at who had called you.

"You can just call me Y/n"

"Y/n, Im sorry for everything I never knew..." you cut them of.

"Listen Wanda, its all in the past. I knew the risks when I took the mission and you never knew, you were just doing what you though was right and I cant call you out on that. So, I was hoping...friends?"

"Of course!" The two of you shared a grin before Tony handed you a glass of F/d.

"A toast, to our newest Team member...Lux!"


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