Chapter Six.

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You awoke with a groan, sluggishly moving into your bathroom to take a quick shower before changing. Luckily Bruce had moved in some of your stuff from your apartment last night when you fell asleep. So now in black jean shorts, red button up shirt and white low top converse you left your hair down before heading out the door and hesitantly making your way to the kitchen.

Knowing that all the Team was present but ignoring them anyway, you pulled open the cuboard and scoured about for a pack of pop tart. Once finding the packet you wasted no time in ripping them open and beginning to munch of them.

"Morning Y/n" Bruce finally greeted, him being the one to break the awkward silence that had fell upon them.

"Morning Doctor B" you replied, finishing your breakfast up before throwing on your leather jacket.

"Where you headed?" Clint inquired whilst throwing the rest of his coffee down his throat.


"We get that but where?" Sam pestered on and you were slowly inching towards snapping.


"Why?" Bucky asked.

"Fuckin' hell! To slam a book on my head so hard in hopes of getting amnesia and forgetting all you Bastards!" You screeched before stomring off and leaving the tower in a huff.

The walk to the library was silent and rushed as you wanted to hurry and get of the crowded streets as soon as possible. So, once nearing the old and adandoned libary only you seemed to remember you picked the lock before shuffling inside. Igniting a flame in your hand to see you snooped around for the light controls before finding them and switching them on.

Once the lights flickered on you marveled at the many books on shelves before getting started on searching for a certain book.
Your eyes flittered between book to book and shelf to shelf, the search futile until a voice filled the halls if the library.

"Looking for this?"

You whipped your head round, eyes landing on two familiar frames.

"Why would it matter to you?" You questioned, arms crossed over your chest as you glared at the two men before you.

"I knew there was something off about you the minute you stepped through the door..." Cap stated, a dusted book in hand with the title 'Elemental history' engraved on the spine.

You tensed, not knowing to what he was referring to since held more than one major secret from them other than your other three powers.

"What arent you telling us Y/n?" Bruce asked, eyes full of concern as he was the only one you had actually befriended out of all the Avengers. True, he may have been your friend but he knew just about the same as the other Avenegers knew about you...near to nothing.

"It is none of your concern, now if you could just hand me 'my' book please?"
"It's not your book" Steve replied in an all to smug tone.

"Oh yeah? Check the first page genius" you scoffed, tapping your foot as he did exactly what you had said and true enough the words 'property of Y/n L/n' was written in caligraphy there.

So quickly snatching the book from Cap's grasp you left without so much as another word, leaving the two to share questioning and doubting looks before heading back to the Tower.

You now walked down the streets, book in hand as you headed to the Tower in your own time. You admired the greenery in the parks and the small children screaming and shrieking in delight as they played, you smiled softly, feeling as free...well as free as you could get with working under them.

Finally arriving at the tower you headed inside with a scowl on your face. Making your way to the top floor you were straight away met with the face of an arrogant billionaire and you had to bite back a tired groan as he started talking.

"Your training partners have been set" he informed as the two of you headed into the kitchen for a drink as you set the book on the side.


"Bucky is the one who is going to train and be your partner with hand to hand combat and Wanda is going to train you with your enhancements and powers"

"No" you replied bluntly, face void of emotion as you stared blankly at Tony before you.

"It's not up for discussion Sweetheart, Fury and Steve talked it over and they said those two would be a better benefit to you"

And that...was how you and Tony ended up in an all out argument...

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