Chapter Thirteen.

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You had no time to scream or shout, only time to act. So jumping up and running closer towards the window, you straight away got the Teams attention. You shattered and jumped out of the window next to the bomb, earning worried cries and shrieks from everyone inside as you fell.

However, raising your arms to your sides you controlled the wind to carry you and dragged the bomb of the window into a massive bubble of water in the sky. Only negative thing about this though...because you were using two elements at one you had to be in close range of your water magic to work. The bomb would surely effect you.

So you winced, body hunched together as you awaited the effects. To be wouldnt be suprised if you died from this. After all you were really high up in the sky and the drop would be to much to bear when already injured. As the beeper hit 'end' the explosion popped your ears and the bubble faded as pain was inflicted upon you. Your powers dropped and you began to free-fall before the bomb could even properly injure you. You closed your eyes, awaiting the cold, hard, lethal ground that would soon shatter your bones.

However, it never happened. Instead something cool hit your skin and when opening your eyes you found yourself to be looking into goggle covered eyes. Sam.
You inatantly relaxed in his hold, the gash that was inflicted just above your left brow bone pouring blood as you snuggled closer to his chest feeling light headed.

"Y/n...dont fall asleep on me, you need to stay awake" he warned as he traced up the tower and through the shattered window that you had exited through.

You just hummed to exhausted to give a worded answer as you were placed onto the couch.

"Y/n stay awake" Steve stated as he and everyone else straight away moved to your side.

"Can I go for a nap?" You words were almost in-audible.

"No Doll, you will get to sleep later. Just hang on we have phoned in for some paramedics to tend to you here." Bucky replied as you lazily taced his metal arm in hopes of occupying yourself so you wouldnt fall asleep as Bruce held a wet cloth to your forhead to stop the bleeding.

"Who was that then?" Tasha questioned, completely pissed and ready to take them out.

"I didnt see them, only Y/n seemed to" Clint replied with an equally pissed nod.

Two of the Agency's paramedics soon came running in, bags in hand that were filled with medical equipment. Shooeing the Team away as the two set beside you, they grabbed different things out to tend to your minor wounds before focusing on your main one of your face. Bruce helped as he held the towel your head and gave you a anasthetic injection which sent you loopy, as they stitched the gash up before putting a bandage around your head to cover it.

Once done they left some pain relief medication before leaving with a quick nod. You stared into space with dazed eyes as your head lolled of the couch. A giggle spilled out of your mouth and the others all forgot why you were in this state as they watched in amusement.

"That pig doesn't like you bird-boy" you drawled out, your tongue sticking out as another giggle left your lips.

"Maybe I dont like the pig either" Clint replied, playing along.

"Shush! Dont say that! You will hurt his feelings" you scolded, clearly offended and wanting to protect your 'pig friends' feelings.

They all stayed silent, amused smirks on their faces as you chuckled at nothing like a child.

"You like Nat!?" You gasped, talking to your 'pig' and the red-head just chuckled in response before pulling you up and leaning you against her as you sat upright on the couch.

"Nat...he asked you out..what do you say?" You asked. "Say no...he's a player" you whispered before shrieking with laughter.

"Hey Y/n, who is your favourite out of us guys?" Stark questioned obviously deciding to get a little fun out of your situation.

"Thor!" You called out.

"Seriously?" Clint whined along with the other guys.

"Thor!" You shouted again, pointing behind them and when they finally looked back they found the Norse God to be standing there.

"Lady Y/n" he greeted to which you grinned wider at.

"Lets try this again, who is your favourite out of us guys?" Stark questioned once more, persistent to hear his name come out of your mouth.

"Bruce!" You called out excitedly to which no one was really suprised at, he was your first friend after all.

"Who else?" Steve added.

"Pietro" you exclaimed and before anyone could react you fell asleep with a 'slump'.

Boy, you were a handful.

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