Chapter Nine.

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You sat alone, legs crossed beneath you as you were trapped inside a powerproof cell. They had took away all of your weapons but you still wore your Black Hyrda fight suit. All lights were of and the darkness was your only friend as there wasnt a person in sight in this massive isolated room you were locked into in a cell. Your mind was blank, eyes heavy lidded as you dozed in and out of conciousness.
Just as you were about to go under though light streamed into the room as the heavy metal door was pushed open.

In walked two figures, their frames tall and strong and from what you could tell you believed it to be Rogers and Barnes. You just jumped on to the top of your barred cage, your legs keeping you up as you dangled from the top.

"Hey boys" you greeted in an all too peppy voice, fanning your hair out before dropping your hands.

"Y/n" they both nodded, arms crossed over their chests as they stared at you intently.

You just looked at them in amusment, hair swaying back and forth as you rocked upside down.

"What is it your after?" Steve began.

You didnt reply, you just stared at the two in a daze.

"Y/n!" Bucky snapped but your giggle was his only reply.

They tried everything to get you to talk but it was to no avail because your reply each time was a small giggle that only grew and grew. This was gonna take awhile.

~Hours later~

You hanging from the top of your cell bars once more, this time however using your hands as you moved from one to another. You had atleast six different visits in the past four hours from different Avengers but Wanda and Bruce had yet to visit. You hummed a light tune, trying to pass the time before another person visited.
Not to long after the door opens and all but Thor enter.

You jump down from the bars, landing with a huff as you boots clomped against the metal floor. Your hair fluttered about you as you scanned over the nine.


Your gaze stopped on Banner, you smirked to yourself before moving closing to the bars to see them more.


"Yes?" Bruce replied.

"This only stops my fire powers?" You asked innoenctly, head cocking to the side.

"Yes, its built for extinguishing fire" Steve replied before Banner could, a strict, unimpressed look on his face.

You hummed at this, thoughts now wandering and you already had your escape planned. You let out a small giggle which the nine straight away questioned as you placed either of your hands on two bars. Clenching the metal, water formed in your hands and with it being so pressurised it instantly pushed the bars apart. You slipped through the whole, waves of water dancing around your frame as you stalked over to your opponents.

They all stood in defensive stances but you just simply walked through them. Heading to the door they watched motionless as your waves of water encased you and when they disappeared you had too.

They all looked to the place where you once stood, some pissed; others confused.

"New mission, hunt out Y/n and bring her back. She can't be allowed to go back to Hydra and she is not allowed to roam to streets!" Steve announced.

"Partners? Teams?" Clint questioned.

"Bucky your with me, Nat and Clint, Stark and Sam, Twins and Bruce. Got it?"

"Understood!" They all replied in sync.

"If and when you spot or find her report back to me and Wanda and Bruce" Steve ordered before they all set of to suit up.

This was going to be a long mission!

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