Drunken Mistake

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Midnight Strikes •Chapter Twenty-Seven•

(Whole chapter in Killian's POV sorry not sorry)

"Hey, son."

"Papa, do you have any other free apartments, I could take here?"

Killian's POV

"Why would you need another- did something happen between you and Emma?"

"I messed up papa, I messes up big time." I reply saddly.

"Killian, my boy. The only other apartment I have is right above Emma's and it a model."

"Aye, I understand." I take a seat on my motorcycle and lean on the handles.

"But I'll let you have it."

"Thank you."

"No problem, now you wanna tell me what happened?"

"It's a tale for another time." I sigh.

"Well just know your mum and I are here for you."

"I know."

I hung up and start up my motorcycle.

I pick from the two helmets. Giving me an idea, that couldn't come just yet.

Right before Emma and I moved in, a new bar called, The Helm, opened up.

I might be under age, but it's not like no teenager hasn't had a drink or two.

I walk into the wide open double door. My hair already hung low over my eyes, because of my helmet.

I sat in one of the stools right in front of the bar where they make the drinks. As I sat down the stool spinned. But as soon as it did, I caught the counter to stop it mid way.

My elbows slammed on the counter and my head fell in them.

"What can I get you, honey?" A sweet voice that so reminded me of Emma, caught my attention.

Truly, I wasn't even thirsty. But only one thing came to my mind.


My papa always came home when Liam and I were little lads. We questioned him everytime what it was. Everytime the same answer came out of his mouth.

"Well my boys, this is Rum. It's was adults drink to forget the mistakes they make each day."

Everytime, we wanted more of an explanation. We didn't know what that meant. Well now that I do, let's see if it works.

I lift my head up to see the girl tapping her finger on the counter waiting for me to reply. She wore a rolled up white collar shirt, that shown way too much cleavage. I didn't bother staring. She wore a high waisted, leather pencil skirt, that her shirt was tucked in tightly. Making her breasts squeeze together. She had long black hair that sat in a high pony with a teased bump her brown eyes weren't amusing and her thin eyebrows could've been based off a tooth pick.

"Rum, please." I order.

"Now that I get a good look at you, aren't you a little too young to drink? Imma have to see an ID."

"Please, just this once." I pled.

She sighs and lifts her body weight off the counter.

"I'm only doing this because your cute." She gave in.

Midnight Strikes. Captain Swan High School AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora