My Walls

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Midnight StrikesChapter Seven

Killian's POV

I dragged Emma away from Milah, and in silence we entered school.

Emma let go of my hand and quick-walked to her locker. Once I made it to the lockers, Emma was gone. I opened my locker. And put my head down to calm myself down, on the top shelf.

"Looks like she's starting to get her mind straight." An evil voice I hate said. Milah.

"This is none of your business!" I yelled so loud it echoed in the hallway.

I wanted to hit something, but had to get to class.

After class I waited by the door of Emma's classroom like always. Once I saw her hidden face in the crowd my head snapped up.

Usually she see me and tell me about her class. But today, she walked fast past me. I ran after her.

I found her at her locker switching out her books.

I hid behind the locker door hoping to scare her, because her scared face is adorable.

"Killian I don't want to talk right now." She complained knowing I would do that to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I-" She hesitated. "I gotta get to my next class." She quickly said and walked off.

Luckily we both have music now. I entered my mother's class as I sat in my usual seat in the far left, normally next to Emma. But today, she sat in the far right.

Something was off about her today.

At lunch I finally got ahold of Emma.

"Hey." I got her attention.

"Sorry do I know you?" She asked sarcastically.

"Ha! Who am I? It's Killian, your boyfriend."

"I used to have a boyfriend named Killian but then I realized he's just dating me because he felt bad for me. Knowing I am and always will be the shadow of the entire school." She explained.


Into my eyes she stared as a single tear rolled down her cheeck, she walked away. I was in pain just as much as her.

Emma's POV

Walking away like that was a terrible idea. Walking farther and farther made me tightly close my eyes and more tears pour out.

I couldn't believe I let myself be tricked by almost wanting to admit that I love him.

After school I finally had the courage to go home.

I opened the door and heard my mother talk.

"We we should've never told her." She cried.

"But I'm glad you did." I interrupted.

"Emma!" They yelled in unison. They ran up and hugged me tight.

Soon being released my mother relized I looked like crap.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Bad day, I guess." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Do you want to invite Killian for dinner?" She suggested. I looked down wanted to cry more.

"Oh Emma..." My mother realized it was Killian, soon pulling me for a hug. Tears fell down my cheeck.

Late that night, I layed in my fleas pj's, holding a pillow, not under blankets at all. My mind was blank. Therefore I couldn't fall asleep.

Most nights at this time, Killian and I would be our weird tired selfs and talk about unicorns from Narnia. Wonder if Killian is awake... no stop it Emma you shouldn't text him. This was all fake. I shut up the person in my head and grabbed my phone from my side table.

E: Hi...
5 minutes later
K: Hey swan
E: so you are awake.
K: couldn't sleep without in my mind.
It warmed my heart seeing that. Truly I did miss him. It hadn't even been 24 hours.
E: Killian...
K: Emma listen or read whatever, when I first met you, yes I felt bad, I thought you were new when you'd been there for years. But getting to know you made me feel something I've never felt before, not with Milah or anyone. This is not pity. I. Do. Love. You.
As I read I teared up. No one has told me something like that. I didn't respond for the rest of the night. Hope he didn't get worried. But I did fall asleep with with a smile painted on my face.

Not my best but will do. We aren't at 400 reads quite yet so that's still our goal. Hope you not to bad for the fight. But it'll be fine. Hope you liked this chapter. Please vote and love ya guys.

Midnight Strikes. Captain Swan High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now