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Midnight Strikes •Chapter Fifteen

Emma's POV

I woke the next morning feeling empty, knowing Killian isn't right by me or even a few doors away. It hurts.

I check my phone to see 7 text messages, 2 missed calls form Killian. I rolled my eyes.

K: I miss you already...

K: Please talk to me

K: Did I do something?

K: I love you

Missed call

Missed call

K: Just realized what time it is for you

K: It's 3 am for you. I'm sorry.

K: I love you.

I chuckle and look at the time. 12:17pm.

'Shit!.' I yell to myself inside my brain.

I walk downstairs to find my mother cooking and my dad reading the newspaper on the couch.

" 'Bout time you woke up." Mary-Margaret joked.

"Uh yeah, sorry." I rubbed my eyes.

"That's alright, sweetie. I-" My mom was interrupted by the phone ringing.

*Ring Ring*

"Hello?" My mother answers.

I hear muffled from where I'm standing.

"Yes, I am the mother." I narrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Okay we'll be there." She smiles and hangs up.

"The leader of the district wants to talk about a very important topic." She explains.

"Okay..." I say cautiously.


"Mr. And Mrs. Nolan, and Miss Swan. May aksed why you have a different last name?" Ms. Mills asked.

"Long story." I reply.

"Anyway, This high school, Storybrooke high school has been sponsored, by Storybrooke's honor school. They're wanting one student from each grade, with the highest grades, and transfer them to that school." She explains.

"So why are you telling me this?" I ask.

"Miss Swan. Your grades are higher than any other senior in all Maine. This is a great opportunity." She states.

"I-I'm being transfered?" I shake.

"Next month." Miss Mills says.

I run out of the room as tears began to fall. I meet the wall and slid down it.

"Emma, maybe this will give you a new start, your grades are too high for this school." My father protested.

"But I'm happy here, I'm happy with Killian." I exclaimed. "Can we just go home?" I ask incident.

Killian's POV

"Please, my phone is one the counter, press number 1 and it'll call my girlfriend, tell her, tell her I'm okay." I asked the nurse.

She nodded and dialed Emma. I could hear it ringing.

"It went straight to voice-mail, I'm sorry." She tries handing it back to me.

Midnight Strikes. Captain Swan High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now