Pictures Won't Even Help The Part Of My Brain I've Forgot

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Midnight Strikes •Chapter Sixteen•

Killian's POV

They next morning, well I'm assuming the next morning, having no windows doesn't help.

I wake up, having pain in my ribs, supposing I broke them.

Moments later, the most beautiful figure walked through my door. She was blonde with grassy green eyes. Loose curls fell over her shoulder, faded freckles barley showed. I smiled at her.

"Look Killian, I know your upset about your brother, but I don't like it when you take your anger put on me." I narrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"I-I'm sorry 'bout what I did to you yesterday." She sighs and smiles. "But, can I ask one question." I ask holding up one finger.

"Of course." She nods.

"Who are you?" I ask as poliently as possible.

"Your joking right?" She laughed.

"Not when I comes to this." I smirk. "Now, may I ask again?"

"Just a friend." She lies, I could tell because she's fighting back tears.

"Do you not have a name?" I joke.

"Emma Swan." Pain runs through her body.

"I apologies for our lost memories." I honestly say.

"Our made memories, weren't meant to be." She hangs her head down low.

Emma walks out the door without another word. I sink into my bed, deeper than I was already, with an empty feeling inside me.

Emma's POV

How can he not remember be, he did yesterday?!

I walk out of his room and slide down the wall, I cry into my knees.

"Miss Swan?" A male voice asked.

I look up and nod in response.

"You alright?" He asked bending down to my level.

I continue to nod.

He stands up and hold out his hand, I take it. I stand up and brush off my knees.

"I'm Dr. Whale." I shake his hand. " I want to discuss something of Mr. Jones." He begins.

"A-are you gonna tell me he lost his memory?" I stutter.

"Well, we took some blood tests last night. A memory lost showed up. We didn't realize but he got a deep cut from broken window pieces, almost cracking his skull. He doesn't remember anything from the past 3 years." He explains.

I place my hand over my mouth in shock. Tears threatening to come out.

"Maybe showing him pictures of you two, the most important things of these years." He suggest.

"Thank you." I wipe my eyes.

"Wait." He grabs my arm. "You should go home to your real family, it's Thanksgiving."

"Why aren't you?" I ask.

"They don't care for me." He revealed.

"That's my answer." I walk away and enter Killian's room.

He smiles at me once I enter.

"Hey- have you been crying?" He realizes from my pink puffy eyes.

"Yeah, but I'm okay." I place a fake smile upon my face. "Do you mind if I show you some pictures of us, to help you remember, of course." I cringe as I ask, waiting for his answer.

Midnight Strikes. Captain Swan High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now