Wave While Tears Flow

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Midnight Strikes •Chapter Twenty-One•

Emma's POV

It sat in my lap, a beautifully framed picture of Killian and I.


"Hello, love." Killian interrupted my thinking on homework.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked focusing my attention to him.

"Well, my mum is working at school, and my papa, well he-he's out somewhere. I was home alone." He sighed.

"You wouldn't have unless Liam was still here." I whisper sadly.

"Aye." He mumbles and sits on the side of my bed. He rests his arm on his knee. I turn around in my seat.

"Killian, it's been a few months, your not grieving Liam's death very well." I confess.

"I can't let him go because he was!-" He yelled then felt regret and sighed.
"He was my best friend, and you know what's worse?" I shake my head. "When I woke up in that hospital room, I thought he was healthy and fine, when you came in and said I was upset with him, I was confused, he we get in a fight? We've never gotten in a fight. Is all I thought. I didn't know he was hurt, dying. I-" I cut him off, because he began to cry.

"I know you miss him, I feel so bad that I didn't get to know him." I got off my chair and sat in his lap, which he loves, straddling his waist with my legs. "I see you like this. Broken. And it kills me." Killian clenched his jaw.

He leaned his forehead on mine as we closed our eyes and enjoyed the moment. I ran my thumb over his jawline and beginning of a scruff.


I sat back down at my desk as Killian leans over my head.

"What's this, love?" He asked looking at my paper.

"A stupid end of final semester test, gotta study." I roll my eyes.

"But you already have the highest grades in Storybrooke, Maine. Why do you need to learn more?" He groaned and digged his head into my back sarcastically.

"I don't know everything, only Enstien knows that. And truly I'd rather spend this time with you." I cupped his chin and smiled.

"In the fridge, there's water bottles, get me one?" I sweetly asked with puppy eyes.

"What am I? Your slave?" He sarcastically said.

"No, I just thought you would be the gentleman, I know you are." I bite my tongue and tilt my head.

He threw his head back.

"Bloody hell, curse you and your convincing looks." He groaned.

I smirked and focused back to my paper, I knew Killian didn't go far, he stepped away towards the door for a moment, he turned his heel and kisses my cheek, I closed my eyes and once again, I saw a flash of light through my eyelids.

Midnight Strikes. Captain Swan High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now