Step By Step

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Midnight Strikes •Chapter Eight•

2 weeks later...
Killian's POV

After the text I sent to Emma she didn't respond. Did I scare her?

Two weeks has past and we've berifly talk.

Our song is due tomorrow, which isn't good. Being locker to locker I try to get her attention but her response to class is always "she's always late to her next class"

This morning has been like every other morning for the past two weeks. My alarm goes off. I finally sit up on the edge of the bed, my mind goes blank as I think about Emma, damn I missed her. I stay there for so long that I have to skip breakfast. My eyes have been red and I'm loosing weight.

At our lockers. Our heads in our own business. I slam my to see Emma jump. I did truly love this woman, that's why I'd had enough. I grabbed her wrist and dragged through the halls to girls bathroom and hauled myself and her in a stall with confidence, lucky no one was there...

"Killian what the hell?! This is the girls bathroom!" She flipped out.

"I don't care, all I care is what is going on with you, you just break up with me for no reason?" I questioned calmer.

Without looking me in the eye she answered. "When you pretended to 'miss Milah' it felt so real that, I feel like one day it's actually gonna be true and you'll leave me to be the shadow again." I listened.

"Do you think that text I sent you was a lie?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. "Why?" I questioned.

"I've never had a real boyfriend to actually love, my last one was in 8th grade and he didn't realise that it takes time for my walls to break down, therefore, he was tired of me ignoring him." She explained.

"I'm tired of it too." I sweet replied, as her face became confused and sad. "But I relize that we need to go step by step." I stepped forward and cupped her cheeck with my hand.

Emma's POV
Just then I felt a layer of bricks of my wall hit to the floor and disapeer into smoke.

He was leaning in wanting a kiss, when I finally focused on his face for the first time. Seeing his red eyes and dark circles worried me.

I backed away so he couldn't kiss me. "Killian, have you gotten any sleep?"

"Oh my eyes? Don't worry about them, swan. I'm fine, now." I smiled.

"Your took this harder than I did." I relized. "I love you." I said and jumped into his arms as he kissed me.

3rd Person POV

When Emma and Killian entered the bathroom it was dead silent. But that doesn't mean it was empty like they thought. A few stalls down from where they were talking. Milah was being dead silent. But also recording every word that echoes off the walls.

At lunch...

"Alright love where would you like to sit today? How 'bout by the water fountain or under the bleachers?" Killian asked carrying his food tray.

"Why not just the cafeteria?" Emma asked as long carrying her tray.

"Oh, well you know, it'll be full-" Killian got cut-off.

"I'm thinking, the music room, with your step-mom and maybe she can help us with our song project that we have nothing done with. " She suggested.

"I'd like that."

Sorry for the long wait and short chapter but I'm really busy but more updates to come I promise. This isn't my best but I hope you liked it. Plz Vote and also make sure to check out my CS instagram account it:xo_captainswan_xo.
And almost 600 reads what?! Thank you so much. Alright love ya guys and peace!
-Katie.B 😘😘

Midnight Strikes. Captain Swan High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now