It Said Nothin'

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Midnight Strikes •Chapter Eighteen•

Emma's POV

"Emma, love? Are you alright? Did you get hit?" Killian worried.

"I'm fine, Kill-" I got distracted by seeing the rock that did the damage, sitting by Killian's foot. I noticed a rubber band holding a paper to the rock.

I unfold the paper and the words are terrifying.

Has it clicked in your mind yet that your lover boy still has no memories, anyone could've told him your shared moments. He still has no idea who you are, he just saw how heartbroken you were.

My eyes filled with fear as I read each line.

"Swan? What does it say?" Killian asked, my eyes still on the paper, re-reading and re-reading each word.


"Mh?" I catch his eyes

"What did it say?" He repeated.

"Nothin." I mumbled

"C'mon, love, I know your lying."

"I said, nothing." I say little harsher.

"Emma!" He gave me the stare that made a layer of bricks build up higher.

"I. Said. It. Said. Nothing. Can we drop this, if I don't want to talk about, I don't want to talk about it!" I yelled.

Killian opened his mouth to speak, I saw regret in his eyes. Right when he was gonna speak, Killian's parents barged in.

"We heard a crash what the hell happened?" His father yelled. His eyes widened at all the broken glass on the floor.

"What happened, you guys alright?" His mother asked.

"Someone threw a rock at the window, but we're fine." Killian smiled.

"Good. Emma are you gonna spend the night?" Killian's mom sighed.

Killian looked at me and placed his arm around my shoulders.

I looped under his arm to get free.

"Actually, I can't, I gotta go." I grabbed my bag from off Killian's bed and left.

Killian's POV

"Emma, wait." I jumped over the glass wanting to run after her. Before I could go get her, my father placed his hand on my chest, holding me back.

"Hold up. What did you do to you?" He asked.

"How do you know I did something." I stalled.

"She's has that face." He stared deep into my eyes.

"What face." I challenged


My head held low. I mentally slapped myself.

Midnight Strikes. Captain Swan High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now