Money Troubles

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I cocky laughed at John's puzzled expression as I sauntered over to a boy perched at the bar. He was sat with a group of similarly aged lads but - judging by his reluctance to sit near the warmth of the group, rather choosing to sit slightly away - appeared to be the groups underdog.
As I approached he turned to look straight at me, notified of my presence by the sound my shoes on the worn pub carpet. I could clearly see him to be a young teddy boy with tosseled curly hair and an evidently expensive tan camel coat.

I stood a few feet away from him on the opposite side of the bar and beckoned the shy boy over with a small waving gesture.

His mates, who previously hadn't seen me call their friend over, all cheered at (what they thought was) the boy's new found confidence. The boy ,uncertain of me, shuffled over to where I was stood. I whispered into his ear,earning more geers from his mates.

"Look,they're cheering for you, how cute.." I slyly jeared at the boy, a smirk playing on my lips. "Wouldn't it be a shame if you were to turn around without saying so much as a word to me?" I laughed as a look of worry showed on the boy's face- as if he was foreseeing the jokes and geers he would get from not being able to talk to the opposite sex.
"I have a proposition...." I purred, my face still close to his. "You give me enough money for me to get into the cavern club...and I'll make sure your friends don't call you cruel nicknames, savvy?"
He looked at me suspiciously, unsure of my plan. My breathing hitched, I was worried he would just shake his head and walk off. However, my worries subsided when he fished around in his pocket to produce, what I presumed, was the right change. He pushed the coins into my palm and waited inpatiently for what I was about to do. Sticking to my side of the bargain, I grabbed hold of his face and pushed my lips onto his own.

After I few minutes I smiled and swirled around to leave. I could hear the strangers friends holloring and shouting in amazement and pride of their groups weakest member. Looking up and over towards the waiting Beatles, I saw a stunned Lennon, looking the picture of shock and sheer amazement. As I went up to him, John tried to piece together a question of : what had happened, if I had got the money and how I had got the money. I just smirk at his confusion,grabbing his hand and running out if the pub.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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