June 6th

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June 6th 2017 ~ Blackburn Lancashire

""Martha! Martha,Lucy's here!" My mum shouted from the landing as she showed my best friend into my newly decorated room. Lucy looked awkwardly around my bedroom before locking eyes with the poster behind me, above the bed I was sitting on.
"He looks like you!" Lucy exclaimed.
It's true, I do look remarkably like Marc Bolan - I think it's the hair. Smiling I stated to sing,

'Cos you're my baby 'cos you're my love...girl I'm just a jeepser for your lovvveee'

Lucy laughed at the draught out words although , judging by her face, it was obvious that she'd never heard the song before.
"Come on then" Lucy said giggling "This isn't stars in your eyes and we've got a train to catch"
Sighing at my denied chance of singing , I grabbed my glittery backpack and ushered Lucy down the stairs.
We were going to Liverpool as it was my 17th birthday and if you can't cry over McLennon in the home of the Beatles on your birthday, then that is not a birthday well spent!

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