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I cautiously followed John ,politely thanking him as we walked over to the rest of the lads. John brushed off my gratitude, saying
"I liked your jacket"
as if to excuse his behavior.

The boys where sat exactly where I had expected them to - close to the door to the ladies toilets - I sighed at their teenage ways.

"Ey! Who's this then" a voice piped up. Looking up I saw Paul McCartney, surrounded by two other seated men : George Harrison and Pete Best.
"Oh this is Martha" John bluntly replied as if stating the obvious.
The statement, although mundane, earnt me a smile from Paul (which I happily returned) and a wink from Pete (which I also cheekly returned). However, George seemed less impressed, making no effort to converse with me.
"Why is she sitting with us though?" George scowled.
John looked ready to say something but I quipped in before he had a chance.
"Are you even old enough to be in here Harrison? What are you now...16? If you are old enough to be let in, your certainly not old enough to be consuming alcoh-"
"Alright! Christ, keep your voice down." John interrupted in a hushed, but evidently irritated, tone.

Apologetically I sat down, squashed between the smiling Paul McCartney and (the now very pissed off) John Lennon. Great, I've only just met them and already half of them hate me.
Determined to raise spirits, I heartedly engaged in conversation with Paul. He talked about their band and how they were 'pre-drinking' before later heading to the Cavern (as the Cavern didn't serve alcohol). I listened intently although continually aware of the sulking John Lennon to my left.

Deciding I was sick of Lennon ignoring me, I changed the topic of conversation to one that I thought would intrigue him- music. I deliberately focused on one man in particular, Elvis.

At first John ignored me as I rambled on to Paul about Elvis' influence on rock and modern youth culture. However, he was almost forced to join the conversation when Paul stated 'Buddy Holly is so bad compared to Elvis!". Paul then winked and sauntered off....he'd obviously caught on to my plan and knew comparing Buddy to Elvis would force John to intervene.

John sighed, turned to face me and...smiled?
"You an Elvis fan then?"
I politely agreed before continuing my argument that Elvis had impacted the future of rock and roll for years to come (I would know).

After a couple of hours of heated, music based conversation, John confidently asked me out!
"Hey, look Martha. You're a nice girl...with an evidently fruitful music taste...what say you come watch me, us, perform?"
Madly blushing, I furiously nodded my head in acceptance of his offer...then I saw his face drop. bugger.

"Shit, sorry...the door fee is 2 bob and I've no more money. ..I could ask the lads of th-"

Interrupting I assured John that I had enough cash to cover the entry fee. Ha, ha, no.

He smiled before his face changed to a look of confusion,
"You hadn't any money before, at the bar?".

Coyly I laughed at him before gently whispering
"Watch this"

I had a plan.

Martha My DearNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ