Ticket to Ride

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The carriage rattled as the train sped from the familiar countryside into the concrete suburbia of Liverpool.

Me and Lucy sat in a window seat facing one another - we must have looked funny to the other commuters on the train, 'complete opposites' my mum had always nicknamed us. Lucy was what can only be described as...plain. She wore dark blue high wasted jeans and a long sleeved white blouse. I always joked that her 'image' was just a hit and run on a New Look store. Me, on the other hand, looked different, alternative even. Clad all in black with a leather jacket and flares, I suppose it's fair to say I looked pretty retro. A child of the 70s one might think.

The train journey was a monotonous two hours in length, made even longer by the long stops the train continually did at every station. That said, mine and Lucy's lighthearted conversation (mostly about teddy boy Lennon's hair) did make the ,otherwise dull, trip move along a bit faster.

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