Four - Recess with Chara

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About the song: It kinda sorta fits the mood of this chapter, IDK.
Also, what are everybody's thoughts on this version of Chara so far? Tell me in the comments!

Once outside, Chara began to show Frisk around, pointing out certain places on the playground here and there.

"That rock is where a lot of kids like to play Tumble King."

"What's Tumble King?" Frisk asked.

"It's this game where everyone climbs up the rock to challenge the king, and the kid on top of the rock at the end of recess starts up top first next recess." Chara explained.

"Oh." Frisk said. They didn't like the idea of Tumble King, it seemed so competitive.

"Although, while I do enjoy being competitive every once in awhile, I usually prefer to spend recess over here." Chara said, pulling Frisk over to a lone tree a little past the rock.

The tree sat on a small hill, and from there, Frisk could see the entire area, from the swings to the blacktop to the rock to the slides. It was really peaceful up here, and Frisk soon found themselves sitting down next to Chara, staring up at the clouds.

"It's really peaceful up here, isn't it?" Frisk asked, sitting up.

"Yeah." Chara said happily.

That's when Frisk noticed a group of fifth graders heading towards them both.

"Uh, Chara? Who's that?" Frisk asked, pointing towards the fifth graders.

Chara sat up, and began to tremble upon seeing them. "Bad news. See that big one? That's Riley, head of the group. He's pretty mean, but he never gets caught. Right next to Riley is Brendan, who's easier to outwit, yet still just as mean." Chara began. But she wasn't able to finish, as Riley and his friends were walking towards them.

"Oh, hello, Chara. Who's your new friend here?" Riley said with a sneer.

Chara just rolled her eyes, and mockingly said, "Oh no, it's Riley and the butt brigade. Whatever shall I do? Oh no!"

Frisk covered their mouth, snickering a little bit.

Riley growled, and stared menacingly at Chara. "That comment's gonna cost you another ten cents, Chara. Pay up."

Chara just stared blankly at Riley, and it didn't take Frisk long to figure out Chara didn't have any money on her. Frisk stood up.

"Hey Riley. Knock knock." Frisk said.

"What?" Riley asked.

"It's a knock knock joke. You're supposed to say who's there. Knock knock." Frisk said.

Riley sighed. "Who's there?"

"I'm a pile-up."

"I'm a pile-up who?"

"No wonder you stink!" Frisk said, giggling.

It took Riley a moment to figure out, and the moment he did, his face became as red as Papyrus' scarf, and his hands balled into fists. "Why you little—" he growled, advancing on Frisk.

Frisk stood their ground, and dodged Riley's fist with ease. "Now now, let's not get ourselves all RILEY-ED up, okay?"

This made Riley furious, and he charged Frisk, ready to beat the child into a pulp. But once again, Frisk simply dodged. Riley tried to kick Frisk, but missed once again.

"I think SHOE should calm down before you hurt yourself. It does seem like the best STEP, but maybe we just got off on the wrong FOOT, who knows?" Frisk shrugged as they dodged Riley's fists.

The whole time, Chara just watched in amazement at this kid who thought so fast on their feet. Of course, it wasn't long until recess was over, and Riley begrudgingly left.

"That was amazing!" Chara said as she rushed over to Frisk. Frisk, who was exhausted, sat down, leaning against the tree, before saying, "Sans taught me that."

"Who's Sans? Is he your brother?" Chara asked.

"Yeah... sure." Frisk said, as they began to walk towards the school building.
The rest of the day continued on like any other school day.

Afterwards, Frisk said goodbye to Chara and walked home.

Once he was home, Frisk was greeted by Sans, who gave him a big hug.

"So, kiddo, how'd it go?" Sans asked.

"Well, first it was pretty boring until lunchtime when I met this kid named Chara and offered to share my lunch because it looked like she didn't have any and then Chara showed me around during recess and we ran into this bully named Riley but he was easy to deal with all I had to do was make a few jokes and dodge all of his attacks until recess was over and then the rest of the day went by pretty quickly and when it was over I said goodbye to Chara and then I walked home and I didn't have any trouble doing that and-"

"Whoa there, Frisk. Maybe slow it down a bit?" Sans asked, smiling as he and Frisk headed towards the living room.

Frisk smiled back, and began to vividly explain to Sans their first day at school.

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