One - The Arrival of the Wonderfully Adorable Frisk

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About the song: This song is what first inspired this story-but that's because most of my writing is inspired by music.

It was raining.

It did that.

Sans was nonchalantly leaning against the wall in the front hall, struggling to keep his eyes open. That's when he heard it.

A sharp, single knock.

Why would anyone be knocking on the door of a decrepit old mansion like this? And in the rain, no less.

Sighing, Sans opened the door.



Sans looked down to see a small wicker basket, inside of which was a bundle. A small giggle came from the basket, so he bent down and folded the blanket back, to reveal...

A human baby.

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be out in the rain." Sans whispered as he brought the basket inside.

Setting the basket down, Sans lifted up the child, only to find a note.

To whomever finds this child,

I ask that you care for them as you would your own children. I wish I could care for my little one myself, but alas, I have fallen on hard times.

Please, take care of them. Give them a good home.

Sans looked down at the little child, who was holding one of his ribs.

"Hey! Gimme that!" Sans lifted the child into the air, and several more of Sans' belongings dropped to the floor.

"What the-you frisked me! Well then, little Frisk, I guess I can spare you."
It was not a good day for Sans. Frisk proved to be quite the troublemaker.

Sans, defeated, just sat down in the middle of his bedroom, cross-legged, while Frisk crawled and clambered all over him. Still, Sans had to admit, the little bugger certainly was cute.

Sans was finally starting to come around when his older brother, Papyrus, burst into the room.


"What thing?" Sans said as he shoved Frisk behind him.

"The thing you just hid behind yourself, the human-looking thing." Papyrus said, clearly not amused.

"What human?" Sans asked, sounding... nervous?

That's when Frisk, who had been climbing up Papyrus' back, clambered onto the skeletons head, giggling.

Sans face palmed. Papyrus yelled. Frisk laughed, and slid down Papyrus' face, into his scarf.

"OKAY, WHOS SHOUTING AND WHY?!" In came Undyne, a hotheaded monster who was quite terrifying.

The first thing Undyne noticed was Frisk, and she immediately reached out to pull the child off of Papyrus.

But Frisk just harmlessly slid down Papyrus chestplate and gently fell to the floor. Hightailing it after the runaway child, Undyne yelled, "CATCH THAT HUMAN!"

Frisk, in all their miniature glory, buttscooted out of Undyne's way, between the legs of a confuzzled Alphys, up and over a distracted Mettaton, and just beyond the reach of one of Muffet's spiders. Through several rooms Frisk crawled, past Toriel and little Asriel, under Asgore's robe, past Flowey, and into the kitchen, right past an amused Grillby.

Sans watched the whole thing in amusement as Frisk, a tiny human child, managed to make fools out of all these strong monsters. Eventually Frisk made their way back to Sans, and in one quick, wriggly movement, slipped underneath Sans' shirt.

"ACK!" Sans yelled as he danced around, trying to get Frisk out.

Frisk crawled out onto Sans' head, giggling adorably. Sans reached up and pulled Frisk off.

The moment Frisk was off, Sans sat up and glared at them, pointing his finger. "No." He said sternly, only for Frisk to grab his finger and nearly rip it off.

"Why you little-" Sans growled. "Come here!" Sans tackled a laughing Frisk, and they had some fun tussling with one another.

Then the moment got really awkward when Sans realized Toriel, Papyrus, and Undyne had been watching. "Crud." He muttered. Toriel glared. Sans stared back, only for Frisk to tackle him from behind, bringing him to the ground. Defeated, Sans lie there, as Frisk crawled up on top of him and hugged Sans to the best of their ability.

"Can we keep him?" Sans asked as Frisk fell asleep right there.

Toriel smiled, and nodded. Sans sighed, suddenly unsure what he had just signed up for.

But he didn't care. He'd protect little Frisk with every ounce of his might, no matter what.

This is the story of how Frisk deals with being a human in the world of monsters.

A story of how Frisk protects their friends, and how their friends protect him.

A story of how Frisk learns the hard way what LOVE really is.

And that story, that wonderful story...

Starts now.

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