Two - Outside

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About the song: In FMGS, there's a picture every chapter. In this book, there will be a song every chapter. This time the song has little/no connection to the chapter, it's just a song I thought was adorable. :-)

-Seven Years Later-


"Yes, Toriel?"

"I've been thinking..."

"Whatcha thinking about?"

"Well, I mean, you're a human. We're monsters. One day, you'll grow up, and you'll have to go get a job and make a living. So, I was thinking... you need to learn about your own kind."

"Uh, Toriel? I'm not sure if I like where this is going."

Toriel laughed, and gently patted Frisk's head. "I'm not sure if I like where it's going, either. It's just... I think you deserve a 'field trip' to the world beyond this mansion's walls."

"But I thought nobody was allowed to leave." Frisk said, confused.

"Well, that's the thing. Sometimes, since the humans are never watching, a few of the braver monsters venture beyond these walls. As long as they're not caught, it's fine. But you, Frisk, are a human. You could venture outside the mansion anytime you wanted." Toriel explained, smiling a faint smile.

"I also decided you should start going to a human school. Because as much as I can teach you, it won't help you worth two cents in the real world." Toriel said.

"So when does school start?" Frisk asked, maybe a little excited.

"Well, not for a few more weeks. But you need to learn the route, because it's too risky for us monsters to walk you to or from school everyday. So... I asked Sans to take you on an outing today. In fact, he's waiting for you by the door already." Toriel answered all of Frisk's questions in an open, warm way that comforted the child.

Frisk stood up, putting on their most serious face. But, before they left the room, they paused, as if they were uncertain.

"Go on." Toriel said, encouraging Frisk. Frisk walked over to her, and gave Toriel a hug. Toriel's first reaction was surprise, but then, like every mother should, hugged her adopted child back in a loving way.

After that was done, Frisk waved a small goodbye before exiting the room.

Inside the main hall, Frisk found Sans leaning on the door, his eyes closed. Frisk, mischievous as ever, crept up towards the seemingly snoozing skeleton. With a single swipe, Frisk grabbed one of Sans' ribs.

Sans' eye sockets popped open. "Give it back." He said, holding out his hand. Frisk smiled, and obliged, handing Sans the rib. Sans put the bone back where it belonged, then smiled at Frisk. "You ready, kiddo?"

Frisk nodded.

"Then let's go." Sans said, putting his hood on. Grabbing Frisk's hand, the pair walked out the door.

Outside, Sans and Frisk quickly made their way to the school. "This is it, kiddo. Remember the route?"

Frisk thought for a moment, then shook their head.

Sans laughed. "That's okay. Until school starts we're gonna come here everyday until you know it by heart."

"But isn't that risky?" Frisk asked.

"If we follow the rules of engagement, we'll be fine." Sans said.

"Rules of... engagement?" Frisk asked.

Sans sat down next to Frisk. "Humans are scared of us monsters for some inane reason. So we're all sanctioned in these old mansions all around. We can leave, but only if we follow the rules of engagement." He explained.

"What are the rules of engagement?" Frisk asked.

"Welp, the first rule is that only five monsters can go out at a time, and there has to be at least one human accompanying us at all times. The final rule is that these outings are only allowed during certain times of the day. I mean, sure, there are rules about contact with civilians, and rules about how we're not supposed to be seen, but we haven't broken those rules yet so we're fine." Sans explained.

"Oh. Wait, if I'm a human, then I count as the supervisor, right?" Frisk pointed out.

"Ya'know... I never even thought of that. I guess we are fine." Sans said, laughing as he pat Frisk's head.

"Welp, we should probably get going." Sans said as he stood up. His hood fell down. "Oops." He said, putting his hood back on. Taking Frisk's hand, the pair walked together towards the mansion.

When they arrived in front of the old mansion, Sans sighed. Frisk looked up at Sans, a concerned yet inquiring expression on their face.

Sans looked back down at Frisk. "I was just thinking, it would be nice if this place wasn't so old and dilapidated. If this place looked more... welcoming, I guess it might feel more like home. But, as the saying goes, beggars can't be choosers. We should be thankful that the humans at least allow us to live on the surface world, and we should be thankful they at least let us live in peace instead of starting a war."

Frisk looked up at Sans. "Maybe, if we all worked together, we could fix this place up just like new. It could be like a fun family project!"

Sans smiled, a small laugh escaping his mouth. Together, the two went back inside the mansion, smiling and laughing.

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